40. Do Not Understand This Man

"This is Easton Cooks, the new director of the Design Department. He has just been transferred here from a branch office."

Ace's voice trembled as he introduced Easton .

"He seems to be getting along with Sophia on his first day here," Alexander sneered impatiently under his breath.

When he noticed Sophia leaning towards Easton , he frowned and ordered Ace, "Tell her to get back to work."

"But, it's lunch break now..." Ace reminded him in a low voice.

Alexander cast a sharp glance at him, gritting his teeth as he said, "Then close the canteen."

Ace's eyes widened with astonishment at his words.

After all, he had never seen Alexander behave so irrationally. It was clear that he must have lost his head because of Sophia.

Meanwhile, Easton sat in the canteen, dazed and confused.

He had sensed something fishy about Sophia's question.

"Are you suspecting that someone deliberately did something to bring Miller Group down?"