41. The Design Project

Sophia frowned and quickly reminded Bella, "Miss Turner, unfortunately, the production of blue diamonds has been suspended for the time being."

"I know. That's why this necklace will be more valuable. Besides, my mother likes blue diamonds very much," Bella said.

She then turned around, held Alexander's arm, and looked at him with cute puppy eyes. "You know, she's been depressed ever since our marriage got canceled. If anything can cheer her up, it's this gift."

Alexander leaned forward and picked up the teacup from the table. He pulled out his arm quietly, in a calm and friendly manner. "Rest assured. The Design Department will take care of your needs. With both the design and the blue diamond."

"Mr. Carter!" Sophia's eyes widened in astonishment.

After all, as far as she knew, the Carter Group didn't have any blue diamond in stock. Where was she going to find one for the design?