Threatening April

"Who…" April and her sugar daddy, who were engaging in something intimate and inappropriate, suddenly snapped back to their senses.

They separated in panic and whipped their heads to the direction where the ringtone was coming from.

Being glared at by two pairs of eyes, Sophia felt stressed.

She started stammering. "Please go…go ahead. I didn't see anything."

In the current situation, the best course of action was to leave, and that was exactly what Sophia did. She ran like she was on fire.

April, who was rattled, could only stare after Sophia and knit her brows. Why did that woman look so familiar to her?

"Why do I feel like I've seen her somewhere before?" April murmured.

Hearing this, the middle-aged, balding man next to her, who looked ordinary at best, suddenly asked curiously, "Honey, do you know that woman who just walked in on us? Who is she?"