This Is Not Good

Sophia went back to the company, exhausted, after dealing with April.

When she arrived at the company's gate, she happened to meet Alexander.

He was standing in front of his black Maybach, as if waiting for someone.

Since Alexander was here, she might as well tell him about Brian's invitation. She could seek Alexander's opinion regarding the matter.

Sophia gathered her courage and approached Alexander, greeting him, "Mr. Carter, you…"

"Mr. Carter, I'm sorry for being late. Let's hurry up so your grandmother and others don't have to wait too long."

Bailey rushed out of the company building and went straight to Alexander.

Apparently, Alexander was waiting for Bailey.

Sophia immediately stopped in her tracks. She lost the courage to take another step forward.

"Sophia, come here."

Alexander ignored Bailey, who was already beside him. It was as if Sophia was all he could see.