Bailey Jealousy

Sophia didn't need to turn and look to know who spoke. She recognized the voice at once.

It was none other than Alexander.

She couldn't help wondering what kind of a person he was.

Why was he always like a ghost haunting her?

Sophia hurriedly put the necklace in her pocket.

Then she turned and asked, "Mr. Carter, why are you here?"

Instead of answering her question, Alexander asked, "Sophia, what were you holding in your hand just now?"

Frowning, he stared at her with sharp eyes.

"There is nothing in my hand, Mr. Carter. You must have seen it wrong," Sophia said, smiling awkwardly.

"Oh, really?"

Alexander was obviously dubious. He turned his oppressive gaze to the group of people behind her.

The employees who met his eyes all lowered their heads, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Jax was also nervous. He knew very well that he broke the company's rules and regulations by making Sophia's necklace.