The Gathering

After a moment of silence, Sophia got up, distancing herself from Alexander.

Then she quietly picked up the necklace and put it into her pocket.

Alexander didn't stop her. Instead, he stood up calmly and said to Bailey in his usual tone, "Didn't you say that I need to see the executives off? Let's go."

Then he left with Bailey as if nothing had happened. He didn't even look back once.

Staring at his receding figure, Sophia seethed.

She was speechless with anger. This man was so capricious!

On the one hand, he was a business elite who excelled at work. On the other hand, he was a domineering and childish man who made fun of her in private.

What was wrong with him?

During the confrontation, Jax and the other employees remained outside the sample center.

After Alexander and Bailey left, the employees came back inside one after another.

Jax was the first one to rush in and he immediately noticed Sophia's sullen expression.