Kelvin Arrogance

Since the accident on the racetrack, Alexander had been worried about Sophia's physical state.

Although Sophia managed to calm the horse down, it still had run around wildly, and it might have inflicted internal injuries on her. Considering this, Alexander elected to call a doctor over.

After a series of careful examination, the doctor told Sophia, "You're doing okay, Miss Miller, but you should get a good sleep tonight."

Hearing the doctor's diagnosis, Sophia breathed a sigh of relief.

"You should go back to your room and relax then," Bailey said with concern in her eyes. "It was all my uncle's fault. I would like to apologize to you on his behalf."

Bailey's words grossed Sophia out. Sophia really found it difficult to appreciate the concern from Bailey.

She felt that every word that came out of her mouth masked an ulterior motive.

"What a pity. Mr. Carter has prepared a fancy dinner tonight. You're going to have to miss it."