Disguised As A Doctor 1

Damien was happy inside, seeing Cora's worried expression. However, he did his best to look hesitant.

"Well, for the sake of our past relationship, I can let you go this time. Let's see, if you don't have money to compensate me, you can still compensate me with something else…"

"What do you mean?" Cora asked in confusion.

"I want you to stay in the hospital and take care of me for free for a month. After that, we will be even. What do you think?"

After saying that, Damien winked at his lawyer, who immediately took out a contract.

The contract stated that Party B, Cora, was to take care of Party A, Damien, for free for one month. During this period, Party B had to unconditionally obey any request from Party A. After the period of one month, the debt would be cleared.

"It's an unfair contract. You can't sign that, Cora."

After reading the contract, Sophia strongly objected to Cora signing it.