Disguised As A Doctor 2

"I will kill you!"

Damien thumped the floor angrily with a ferocious look on his face. He wished he could stand up and punch the man in front of him who dared to fool him.

But he couldn't do anything at all. His body was still weak because of the effect of the anesthetic.

However, although he couldn't move, he could speak.

When Ace saw that Damien was too noisy, he called another nurse to come in. Then the two nurses worked together to get Damien back to bed.

The anesthetic gradually took its full effect, and now he couldn't move even his lips. He could only stare at Ace hatefully.

Ace just looked at him indifferently and ordered coldly, "Alvin, please take care of him."

Since Ace worked for Alexander, Alvin was also respectful to him.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of Mr. Damien. If we had known that he wanted to plot against Mr. Carter's friend, we would have taken action earlier to prevent any trouble."