The Twins Meet Robert 1

"Axel, why haven't Mommy and Cora come to pick us up yet?"

Alexa sat on a small bench, looking bored. She propped her chin in the palms of her hands, and her legs dangled in the air.

"I don't know either."

Axel sat next to her and imitated what she was doing.

The two kids were slightly melancholy. The other parents who came to the kindergarten to pick up their children couldn't help admiring how lovely they were.

It was already getting dark, but Sophia and Cora hadn't come yet, so Ryan suggested, "We can't wait here forever. How about I ask my driver to send you home first?"

Alexa shook her head. "No, I want to wait for Mommy and Cora." Then she turned to Axel and asked, "Axel, do you think Mommy is still working?"

Axel thought of Sophia's boss, who often picked on her. He had a strong feeling that her boss let her work overtime again.

"Shall we call Cora and ask?"

The two kids picked up their smartwatch and called Cora.