The Twins Meet Robert 2

Axel's avid interest in the shooting game caught Robert's attention.

He walked over and stood beside the little boy. Seeing how huge the gun looked in Axel's hands, he couldn't help but doubt his shooting prowess. Robert raised his eyebrows and decided to discourage him.

"You call yourself a skilled gunner? Don't be foolish. You're just a kid. Put the gun down and save yourself from embarrassment."

"Oh yeah? I'll prove you wrong!"

Imitating the action stars he had seen on TV, Axel took aim and pulled the trigger.

The plastic bullet launched into the air, heading towards the target. To Axel's utter dismay, he missed the board completely.

"Wait, I need one more try. It was an accident!"

Axel couldn't believe it and shot again, but he still failed to hit the target.

"Hang on. I got this!"

He fired the plastic gun several times, but kept missing wildly.