The Twins Saves Robert

Robert was promptly taken to the hospital in the ambulance that arrived.

The youngsters tagged along as well.

The top medical professionals were already waiting for them when they arrived at the hospital. Upon Robert's arrival, he was taken to the special VIP ward for evaluation.

The children were waiting outside the ward. Ryan' palms were sweating from anxiety.

Alexa and Axel locked eyes and took Ryan' hand at the same time.

"Don't worry, Ryan," Alexa reassured him. "There is no need to worry about Mr. Carter. He will be okay."

Ryan, his face dull, agreed, saying, "My great-grandpa is extremely privileged, so he will definitely be okay."

The sight of the three kids holding hands outside of the ward made the nurse feel uneasy. She had to go up to them and console them, saying, "You kids must be incredibly close. Have no fear. The health of your great-grandfather is not a concern."