Clear Misunderstanding

When Sophia saw the guilty look on Ryan' face, mixed emotions filled her heart.

She knew that what had happened today was not entirely his fault. But she couldn't help feeling scared.

She couldn't imagine the pain of losing her children.

"Ryan, you must be tired today too. Everything is fine here. You can go home first," Sophia sighed. She didn't accept Ryan' apology.

Ryan understood what she meant, so he lowered his head more. There was a guilty and depressed expression on his face.

Alexander put his hand on Ryan' shoulder, leaned over, and comforted him softly, "Ryan, it's not your fault."

Then he took Ryan and left the Miller family's house.

On their way home, Ryan still thought of what had happened during the day. He couldn't help asking Alexander, "Do you know who is Alexa and Axel's father?"

Alexander was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why Ryan suddenly became curious about it.

"Why do you ask?"