Previous Injury

Sophia finally followed Cora's advice. The next day, she got up early in the morning to go back to the Carter Group.

She even bought a cup of coffee downstairs for Alexander, wanting to apologize to him.

Then as planned, she went to talk to Ace first.

As soon as she reached upstairs, Sophia saw Ace walking towards the CEO's office with a doctor.

She rushed over to him and asked, "Ace, what happened?"

"Sophia? Why are you here?" Ace was a little surprised to see her.

"Did something happen to Alexander?"

Sophia's expression revealed her worries about Alexander.

Ace suddenly thought of an idea. Wasn't there a chance for Alexander to make peace with Sophia?

So he pretended to be very worried and said, "It's a relapse of his arm injury."

"His arm injury? It has recovered, right?" Sophia was confused.