The Gift

Hearing this, Sophia suddenly stopped in her tracks and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

She had thought she was psychologically strong now and wouldn't be affected by any harsh words. However, it turned out she was wrong. Those words still hurt her deeply.

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly interrupted the conversation of the shop assistants.

"You two, pack up all the latest womenswear in the shop."

It was Alexander.

Sophia, who was still in the fitting room, was stunned.

Meanwhile, outside the fitting room, the shop assistants were shocked when they heard what Alexander just said. One of them asked, "Mr. Carter… Do you want to buy them all?"

Alexander looked coldly at the woman and said dryly, "Wasn't I clear enough just now?"

At this moment, the two shop assistants' eyes lit up with excitement. They quickly nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Carter! What size do you want them?"

"90, 61, 84," Alexander replied calmly.