Ace's Arrangement

At this time, Cora had already picked up Axel and Alexa from kindergarten. When she saw Sophia approaching, she and the twins waited at the door to welcome Sophia home.

"Hey, kids, look what Mommy has bought for you."

Sophia had several shopping bags in her hands. But there were still many shopping bags left in the car that even Ace got out of the driver's seat to help.

Alexa and Axel ran to Sophia and hugged her thighs, looking at her up and down nervously. Axel looked more worried. He was afraid that Alexander might have bullied Sophia.

"Sophia, are you okay?" Cora asked worriedly, also looking at Sophia. "Alexa and Axel told me that Alexander bullied you again. Let me…"

Cora was about to say that she wanted to scold Alexander. But when she saw Ace carrying bags of things from the trunk, she was suddenly at a loss for words.