Angry Ryan

Alexander held Sophia's waist and asked in a hoarse, magnetic voice, "Sophia, do you love me?"

Sophia was taken aback by his sudden question. Her body began to tremble and her brain went blank. She didn't know how to answer.

With no satisfactory reply, a look of disappointment appeared in Alexander's eyes.

The woman… Was she still unwilling to tell him the truth?

The desire that was burning in him a moment ago suddenly disappeared. As he got up to leave, Sophia suddenly held his arm.

"Alexander, what about you? Do you love me?"

Sophia had to gather all her courage to ask him that. Sweat trickled down her forehead, but her eyes were bright.

Alexander shuddered. His heart was pounding in his chest at this moment. He knew the answer.

He loved her!

But he had such a hard time saying those three simple words.

Sophia slowly let go of Alexander's arm, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed.