He Cares About Him Alot

Alexander turned around and was surprised to see an angry Ryan standing behind him.

"What are you doing here, Ryan?"

Alexander tried to explain, but he could see that Ryan was furious and wouldn't listen.

Ryan shouted at Alexander in anger, "How could you do this? All you want to do is to control everyone and have them at your beck and call. You are no different from Great-grandpa! I hate you!"

Ryan' accusations upset Alexander, and so he gave up on trying to explain. Instead, he snapped at him, "Ryan! You're just a child and so you know nothing about what is going on!"

"No, that's just an excuse and I'm not interested in it!" Ryan' face had turned red from anger and his eyes filled with tears.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, then turned and ran away.

Sophia stood up and tried to chase after him because she was afraid that something might happen to him, but Alexander stopped her.