Can't Escape Him 1

The man dressed in the gray overcoat was tall, handsome, and looked put together. He gave off an air of sophistication and virtue.

When he entered the room, everyone felt an air of authority around him. It made people tread carefully in his presence.

Andrew paused for a moment after hearing the assistant's question. His eyes glanced at the poster of Alexander hanging outside of the airport.

"I wonder… is that Alexander?" he murmured bitterly to himself. His stoic face was laced with bitterness.

"Mr. Brown?" the assistant addressed him tentatively.

Andrew still hadn't responded.

He looked away from the poster before replying, "That's not necessary. Ask her to come and see me face to face."

"But…" The assistant seemed hesitant and embarrassed to continue. "Miss Miller hasn't been in contact with us for some time. I'm worried that…" he finally said after a few moments of hesitation.