Can't Escape Him 2

It was already time for the children to leave the kindergarten.

Standing at the gate of the kindergarten, Axel and Alexa waited for Sophia to come pick them up.

But today, something unusual happened. Two strange men suddenly appeared at the gate of the kindergarten. They looked around the kindergarten as if looking for someone.

The teacher quickly noticed these men and walked over. "Hello, who are you?" she asked.

"We are here to pick up Alexa and Axel," one of the men answered.

Just as they said so, they saw Alexa and Axel standing not far away. Without another word, they walked straight towards the two children.

"Hello, children. I'm an employee of your mother, Miss Miller. She had something important to do today and couldn't pick you up. So she asked us to pick you up."

The two men smiled kindly at the two children.

Alexa and Axel looked at each other and immediately became alert.