Eager To Know Everything

Robert didn't know the whole truth of the situation, so he tried to hit Alexander on the back with his cane.

"Have you gone mad, Alexander? Let him go!"

Alexander groaned in pain. With Robert around, he knew that he wouldn't be able to interrogate Andrew anymore. Thus, he relented and released Andrew.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brown," Robert solemnly said to Andrew.

Andrew straightened up his disheveled clothes and said, "It's alright. I'm well-aware of your grandson's explosive temper. I may be able to let it slide, but we still haven't dealt with how your grandson took my girlfriend away."

His girlfriend? Alexander stole Andrew's girlfriend?

Though he expected that there was enmity between them, he never imagined that Alexander would actually steal Andrew's girlfriend.

Suddenly, a question dawned on Robert.

Out of curiosity, he asked, "Who are you referring to? Is it Sophia Miller?"