Beautiful Scene 1

If this was before, Robert would have already grabbed his walking stick and hit Alexander when Alexander had said in front of him that Alexander wanted to be with Sophia and would never leave her. And he would have scolded Alexander for his wishful thinking and told him that the Carter family would never accept a woman like her.

But at this moment, he hesitated.

He thought of Axel and Alexa. Although they were Sophia's children, they were his great- grandchildren.

Moreover, he liked the two children so much. So now that he knew they were really his great- grandchildren, how could he not be happy?

"Bring the two children here right now."

Alexander pinched his glabella helplessly. Since he had told Robert the truth, he knew this would happen.

"Grandpa, the children are still in school. And they don't know the truth yet. If you call them over rashly, they will be frightened."