Beautiful Scene 2

Sophia touched her forehead guiltily and tried to prevaricate.

"It's no big deal. I accidentally fell down and hurt my head."

Axel stared at her suspiciously, sensing that something was wrong.

"Why are you so careless, Mommy? You should be more careful. Does it hurt too much? Let me blow on it."

Alexa immediately climbed on the bed.

"It does not hurt at all. You should go and see Mr. Robert Carter. He's waiting for you."

Sophia helped her daughter get out of bed, lightly touching her head before she turned to Alexander and said, "Take them to see your grandfather."

Alexander then held the kids' hands and took them to Robert's ward.

Robert was anxiously waiting in the ward to meet the kids. He was pacing back and forth nervously as he tried to hold back his urge to go to Sophia's ward to see the kids.

Nancy came to his ward and made him lie back down on the bed.

"Mr. Carter, we are here!"