Protect Her

At this moment, Taylor still didn't know that Joe had already known the truth about their breakup.

She was on the movie set now, lying on the chair with her eyes closed, waiting for the next scene.

April, her old rival, suddenly approached her.

"Taylor, you can go now."

Taylor opened her eyes only to see April's complacent face. She was a little surprised.

"What did you say?" she asked with a frown.

"I said, you can pack your things and get out of here. From now on, I will be the heroine of this movie."

April felt relieved now that she had announced the news to Taylor.

"That's impossible!"

Taylor didn't believe April. She thought April was only bluffing her.

She had finished filming almost half of the movie. How could the investor change the heroine midway?

But at this moment, her assistant walked over to them with a serious face.

"Taylor, she is telling the truth."