Second Chance

As Taylor stared into Joe's sincere and enthusiastic eyes, she couldn't help but give in. How could she not relent? She was yet to forget him, even after five years had gone by!

She was about to respond to him when a knock came on the door.

"I know you're here, Mr. Black. Your mother requested we pick you up."

Taylor drew her hand back as she suddenly returned to her senses. She put on an indifferent face again.

"It's time you left. They came to take you home."

He stared at the empty space in the palm of his hand and his face instantly went dark.

Turning to the door, he roared, "Get lost!"

The knocks stopped coming, but the bodyguards outside seemed to have no intention of giving up.

"You are the Black family's heir, Mr. Black. You have to be responsible for the entire Black family. You're not allowed to just leave like this."

Joe paid no attention to the bodyguard's words and simply stared at Taylor.