Andrew Threats

Alexander's hand signing the document paused. Annoyed, he asked, "What did you say? Make it clear."

Joe said indifferently, "It's nothing. I just gave up my rights to the inheritance of the Black family."

"What? What do you mean you gave up?"

Alexander was utterly shocked.

"I said I gave up my rights to the inheritance of the Black family. Why are you so shocked? Actually, I should have done it long ago. Don't you know? I'm not fit for business at all. I don't have a gift like you. Even since we were kids, I could never compete with you in business, right?"

Alexander was silent for a moment. Then he said, "Actually, you don't have to compete with me."

By this time, Joe had already let go of all the knots in his heart.

"Yes, I understand what you mean. Although I'm not as good as you at doing business, you may not win me in other aspects."

Alexander didn't sense any trace of disappointment in Joe's tone, so he was finally relieved.