The End of Disaster

When they reached the stairs leading down to the first floor, Null, Sofina, Mr. Zolial, Ms. Florie, and three other students– there was a tall guy with glasses, a delinquent with his hair tied back, and a tough looking girl. 

 The tall one had short black hair, slant eyes, and his glasses made his face seem smaller than it actually was. He was clearly distressed by the current situation, however upon closer examination, a hint of excitement dwelled within his eyes. 

As for the delinquent, his hairstyle made it so that his ears were exposed, revealing a multitude of metal piercings. He was quite anxious as he flinched slightly at the rumbling sound that was getting louder as if something was getting closer and closer.

The female of the trio stood solid as a rock despite her supple features. Her magenta-colored hair that fell to shoulder length hid a few braids on the sides in a stylish manner. She simply followed along with the rest without issue.

'We don't have enough time! I have to find another exit before it's too late.' While he cleared the stairs, Null searched for the nearest escape method.

"We need to get to that window before the whole building falls on top of us," he headed straight for a broken window leading to freedom. All the while, his stomach sank deeper and deeper as the feeling grew stronger with each step he took.

Nobody said a word as they ran for their lives. The only noise you could hear was the tap of their shoes, the thud of their boots, and the click of a single pair of four-inch heels.

But the silence was interrupted by the raging grumble of an expanding planet. 

The ground began to shake more and more vigorously, compromising the footing of the fleeing group. They could not maintain their speed for much longer, but fortunately for them the window was within reach.

The foundation of the building stood defenseless against the powerful force of nature like a tower of cards; the moment the base faltered, the rest of the building came toppling down in a storm of rubble.

As soon as the ground widened akin to a starving beast, they leapt from the ledge of the window, narrowly escaping its bottomless maw.

And just like that, the beast was satiated and left as if it was never there in the first place. 

The same couldn't be said for the academy however, as the aftermath of the scene left patches of grass in a new field of dirt. They could also see ruins around them as if the previous bustling city. was now something more of a post- apocalyptic wasteland.

The surrounding area that was once the place of malls, stores, restaurants, banks, libraries, entertainment, karaoke, even a lake to fish in now reduced to shambles. At the very least, there were areas of ruin which seemed to receive minor damage in the form of collapsed ceilings, remaining halves, and for a lucky few, the only damage they suffered was shattered glass.

That wasn't the end however, because as soon as the first sigh of relief was expelled from their lungs, the planet had finished condensing its very own spirit!

'What the hell are we going to do now. Everything is destroyed, everyone is dead, the world is going to end and for some reason it's all my fault." He could not forget the words of the strange old man. 'Maybe I can fix things?'

"Something has definitely happened to the planet. It's like I can feel it trying to tell me something," he couldn't help but blurt out.

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Zolial was about to lose his mind if things weren't explained this instant. "What do you mean the planet is trying to tell you something. Is that why you knew to evacuate the academy?"

"I-I don't know it was like I knew the ground was going to split. I'm just as confused as the rest of you." With no comforting words to say, Null could not for the life of him explain what he felt.

"Everybody look," the boy with glasses shouted as he pointed towards the open tear in the sky. "Whatever is happening, it doesn't look like it's stopped yet." 

It was precisely as he stated, the dimensional tear way above appeared to be repairing itself when an enormous claw reached out and forced it to open even wider.

A head peeked out from the other side and bellowed, "Mark my words you puny thief, if it weren't for this wretched prison, I would have destroyed your entire galaxy!" 

The creature was forced back inside of the tear by flaming blue chains that dug into its skin, releasing one last roar.

Back on the surface, the entirety of the group was at a loss for words. They just sat there in silence as if one noise would alert the creature of their existence. Fortunately for them, it seemed as if that would be the last of their worries as the dimensional tear sealed itself shut leaving no trace of its prior existence.

"I think it's over for now," Mr. Zolial comforted. "But that doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet. As difficult as it may be for us all to come to terms with, we might just be the only survivors of this catastrophe."

Reality was setting in now that there were no longer any active threats. The academy was no longer, and the rest of the city was in disarray. There was no screaming or other distress signals, leading them to believe that they were all that was left at least in this part of the world.