The Null Voice

"You mean to tell me that humanity is gone just like that?"

Ms. Florie's head sunk low, and she spoke in a dead whisper.

It was clear that she was on the brink of tears, but they would not fall until she was certain that her loved ones were truly gone.

The lone girl had appeared regretful about something but was overall more composed compared to the rest.

She stood quietly as ever, as if her ties to the world were non-existent to begin with.

"We can't be sure yet Ange. We'll have to hold on for now and hope that others are out there and are working to understand and restore the current events back to normal. Until then, promise me you'll persevere." 

"Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHA!"

In contrast to the severely glum mood of the rest, the delinquent was laughing his ass off while rolling on the floor.

"All this time I've been putting up with everyone's bullshit but look at them now. Not a single fucker in sight to tell me what to do."

"Are you serious," Sofina muttered in disbelief at the bewildering display before her.

"What is wrong with you, freak," the guy in glasses looked at the laughing fool with disgust, "Billions of lives gone just like that and you would disgrace their deaths like it means nothing."

"Freak? How 'bout I show you what's wrong you scrawny ass, uptight, little punk ass bitch," a slurry of profanities rained down on the poor soul as the delinquent was set off by the name calling.

"Like I said before, NO ONE can tell me what the FUCK I can and can't do anymore and if they do, then I'll show them just how mistaken they are."

He continued his words as the feeling of freedom fueled him.

"Hey! Stop freaking ou-" 

"I DARE you to call me a freak one more time you bitch!" he threw a fist at her with no intention of holding back despite his misunderstanding.

'THIS BASTARD!!!' Null leapt in front of her to take the blow without hesitation.


"Urgh," a small groan managed to force its way out of Null's mouth as he stood as still as he could manage.

The fist connected with his stomach causing him to groan in pain, but he refused to go down just like that.

Before the delinquent could relish his successful attack, Null balled his hand tightly before launching a right hook that sank into the delinquent's left cheek. 

The blow shook him so hard that he struggled to maintain his balance and toppled over.


"You hit like a pussy," he chuckled while staring at the dirtied bully.

"THAT'S IT!" The delinquent roared as he was ready to pounce on Null but not before Mr. Zolial could step in.

"Would you boys quit all of this nonsense!"

Mr. Zolial quickly restrained the maddened delinquent, "I am the adult here and I sure as hell can beat the both of you until even your mothers won't recognize you," he threatened all too seriously.

"What I say goes and what I'm saying we do now is gather any useful supplies and search for the closest shelter we can find before any more dangerous things happen. In my eyes, I am still an instructor, and you are all still my students and I won't allow any of this behavior under my watch. UNDERSTAND?!" 

Everybody looked towards Mr. Zolial after his heartfelt speech unsure of how to feel.

On the inside, each felt different about what life would be like from now on with what they assumed was an empty planet.

No food or water, damaged buildings, and to make it all worse, they could only stay with the group or be left to scavenge alone.

"That's a lot better. Now where was I. Ahem," he cleared his throat after everyone's attention was on him.

"Like I said before: we gather everything useful, find a safe place to settle down in, and after that, we'll try to find any way to contact other survivors. We have to hold out hope that there could be other lucky people out there to rescue us. After all, there must have been those that survived while on ships and planes."

Everyone was stunned at the realization that there could indeed be a lucky few groups of people out there just as confused as they were. 

Null turned to the delinquent and reached out a hand.

The moment that he reached out to grab Null's hand, the delinquent clenched his teeth and pulled him down, using the force to get back on his feet in a quick reversal.


"Thanks." He looked down at Null with a smug grin.

'Asshole.' Null attempted to get up when a searing pain hit his brain like never before; he passed out face first into the dirt.

Nobody could react before the ground underneath him swallowed him hole before refilling instantly. It was as if he was never there to begin with.

"NULL!" The shouts of the few who cared for him echoed throughout the wasteland to no avail. 


Inside the mind of Null, his consciousness awoke, and he found himself before a bleary sight as if his eyes were unable to focus on the figure in front of him.

'Not this shit again.' 

"Null is he who defies the creator." Again, the bone-chilling voice could be heard, echoing around the mind space like a banshee's howl.

"I have returned for my body," as eerily as it started, the echoes died out and was replaced by a sentence you wouldn't want to hear under any circumstances.

His hand reached out to grab the air, but upon its decent it met with Null's shoulder as he now stood face-to-face with blank eyes that stared into the depths of his victim's soul.