Deal's Off

Null nodded as he picked up the alien writing utensil.

Although it may be true that the writing utensil was indeed foreign in nature, it still greatly resembled the average ink pen Null was used to.

Barter's Ruler noticed Null's familiarity with the tool and reaffirmed his stare with a strange skepticism. 

"First question: How do you know what this instrument is used for?"

'Huh?' Null was confused as to why he would ask such a simple question.

Added to the fact that he called the pen an instrument, he could not make out the meaning behind his words.

"You're the one who gave me it. What else would it be used for?" 

His response was one laced with sarcasm to which the ruler withheld his previous gaze.

"Of course. Not the hardest thing to understand given the circumstances," he shrugged of the awkward moment and continued.

"Earlier when we were fighting, when you stopped my causal power...," his speech slowed as he saw a brow raising on Null's forehead.

"...When you had that outburst during our fight, what kind of rule have you mastered to be capable of such a thing?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Null would not—under any circumstances— let anyone know even the slight truth behind his cosmic authority.

"Of course, hehe," the shrewd grin on his face revealed that he was all too aware of the reason behind Null's secrecy.

"I was speaking more in terms of generalization, such as the negating ability of your power."

Little did Null know that during his rage, he had subconsciously suffused his aura with a hint of the pink energy that made up the petals.

This had shown Barter's Ruler something that he would never believe he would find out here in the outer reaches of the universe.

While a few races and other rogue persons possessed such a trait in their powers, they typically had no reason to be in such a drab; place.

What the cunning ruler really had in mind from the start was to play this little game of twenty questions as a way to extract some information as to the background of Null.

If he turned out to be a runaway of some influential group somewhere, he could count his days if it was ever found out that he did something to harm the boy in front of him.

But if it so turned out that he was a rare specimen of sorts...

Well, he wasn't known for being one of the greediest people one would ever meet without reason.

Additionally, the sting of the massacre still panged inside the ruler's beating heart.

Benji would have eventually become his actual apprentice if all had gone the way he expected.

Unfortunately, he was placed by his very own benefactor in the most perilous place at the most untimely of times.

Yet, he could not properly discern exactly what kind of individual Null was; even if it was Null's fault for the mess, he would prefer that Barter not succumb at the behest of its ruler's greed.

'I still can't be certain that there won't be any repercussions if I act upon this potential goldmine.'

The ruler still had thoughts of adding another to his golden collection.

He stroked his long chin beard as he leaned back in his chair, "You know what? Let's skip past all of that and pick at the important questions."

"Ready when you are." Null was growing tired.

He could already picture Theef leaving without him on some quick trip to get his fix of thievery somewhere. 

'Who knows what will happen if I get held back to long. I better give him my best for these next few questions, so he'll get off my back already.'

"Alright then, I'll be straight to the point. What do you define greed as?"

'Forget about how weird this guy is and just answer.'

Null hurried out a reply off the top of his head, "Greed is something people feel when they want something that they don't have."

The ruler snapped back, "So then what would a greedy person do if the object of their desire is within their reach?"

"They would take it."

"But what if they knew it was someone else's? Should they still take it without ask?"

"I guess."

"What if that other individual cherished said object and grew mad when they found it was stolen? Would you figure they should give it back?"

"Not if they weren't being accused of having stolen it."

A frown smeared itself across the whole of the ruler's face as he retched out a single word, "Thievery."

"What could be settled with a mere trade now filled with unbridled repugnance. If you don't seek a proper method to sate your greed, karma will follow you."

The words spoken rang deep within Null as he considered his actions with the Soul Soothing Vase. 

'Does he know something?' As soon as the doubt appeared in his mind, it also began showing on his face— something the ruler would not let slide by him.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?" This time Null could tell his next answer would play a big part in what was to come from this interaction.

"No, it's not that," he quickly reassured, "The only thing is that karma can't hurt you in direct ways."

Null continued as the ruler looked at him for more of an explanation, "Hold on a second."

He jotted down some random thoughts and opinions on the matter along with a special note at the bottom.

After folding it up, he reached over to hand it to the man behind the desk and gave his politest, "May I leave with my friend now?"

Without tarrying, the eager ruler plucked the sheet from Null's larger but still small hand and permitted his dismissal with a shooing gesture.

"You promised to wait, so I hope you'll be true to your word and wait for me to leave before opening it."

And with that, Null left as nonchalantly as he could with his heart threatening to jump out of his chest.

He couldn't tell what it was he was so anxious about but considering the fervent look of the ruler and his tight grasp on the paper he knew what was up.

It wouldn't be but a couple of moments after he left the room before he was caught; Null was certain that was the kind of guy Barter's Ruler was.

So immediately after he shut the door, Null leapt off of the staircase leading to the second floor and propelled himself to the vase using the purple energy.

Unfortunately for him, he had underestimated the ruler's greed a tad bit because the moment he reached the vase he heard a voice.

"Deal's off boy. No need to steal that vase so hurriedly now."

Null did not even need to turn to the owner of the voice to tell there was a wide grin on their face.