
On planet Mamon, life for baby Klein was— to say the least— miserable.

Just the few meibeasts that stalked the fearful guards and preyed on the few unsuspecting fools were enough to drive the Imeni apart from their previous united state.

That was not mentioning those dangerous and cunning enough to eradicate an entire village in one night.

It was always a gruesome reminder of the dangers of the territories outside of the Imeni villages when some of the more terrifying creatures roamed near the fences looking for easy prey.

If not for those resilient enough to utilize the mei for their own and wield elemental abilities to fight back, the entirety of the Imeni would have already gone extinct.

In this particular village surrounded by simple wooden fences, a family of three lived happily together in their little hut.

Alongside them, only as much as fifty people of all ages lived together in the secluded village of Meita.

There was a were bountiful gardens due to the nutrient-rich soil of the area which provided the majority of the food.

As the Meita Village only had the weakest of mei manipulators, the only meat they could procure was the smallest game that had practically no mei veins at all.

However, the surrounding forest had fiercer beasts roaming the territories under their control; the strongest of which could rip a man in half with ease.

One unlucky encounter would spell the end for any that test their odds in the wild.

For baby Klein, he wanted nothing more than to explore the outside world.

He was born with a gift in both his eyes; the mei in the air was visible to him and was present in all forms of life.

When he was first born, Klein could not believe the majesty of the sights before him.

But very soon afterwards, he was met with a problem he was all too familiar with since before he arrived.

The problem was that he had a severe case of myopia— a case which just so happened to mark him as one of the only Imeni to suffer from the blight that was nearsightedness.

Not a single other Imeni had a problem with their vision.

If anything, their highly attuned senses were what allowed them to successfully stake a claim to the lands.

'It's been more than three months.'

He was having another one of his inner monologues while remaining in the safety of a decently crafted wooden crib.

'I can finally keep my head up without making a fool of myself. Let's see what I can find outside this prison.'

For the duration of his days, all Klein was able to do was toss and turn around in his crib to build up strength.

The only remainder of his daily routine was feeding time and potty time.

'So demeaning,' the baby sighed.

Klein still shuddered when his new mother wiped his soiled bottom and breastfed like there was nothing wrong with such a thing.

'Of course, there's something wrong with it!'

Indeed, as it was likely to gather from the odd inner monologues of the pinchable cheeked baby, Klein had retained some fragments of his past life's memories.

While that made it viable for him to have a sort of 'head start' in terms of development, he had developed a warped sense of self.

To elucidate, in the Meita Village it was mandatory that parents leave all children incapable of defending themselves safely at home. 

Because of the tight-knit community that all of the residents built over many generations, it was normal to have a designated few to tend to the young routinely.

For the kids, a small school was built where they were taught the basics of agriculture and survival.

Since there was naught much else to do, school was the majority of the children's day so that parents could tend to their jobs and other daily necessities.

That meant that aside from breastfeeding, coddling, eating, pooing, and other baby activities Klein did during the day, the only thing he could do was sit alone in his crib.

For this reason, he enjoyed sleeping the day away and immersing himself in his dreams.

Vivid depiction of a new world; a world of science and wonder!

Klein saw unbelievable things in the hazy memories like colorful explosions and sparks of light. 

The boy he became when his imagination ran wild could make fire from just a few rocks and fire projectiles with pressurized cannons.

This occurrence made what should have been a normal Imeni child aspire to become a scientist.

'It's only a matter of time before I can crawl around the place. In the meantime, I need to study the language of these alien people.'

And lo and behold, his caretaker had come just in time to take care of his needs.

"Good morning little Klein!" A young Imeni woman came into the tent.

'Let's try again.' 

"Goo mooan," Klein did his best to repeat the first half of her greeting back to her.

But of course, the message recieved was a mass of cooing to which she lit up at.

"And that is why you're my favorite you sweet little thing!"


She picked him up and began cleaning him off and replacing the itchy diaper on his pale butt.

"Now it's time to eat up."

Her top opened up to reveal a sight he was all too familiar with as of late.

'I'll just go over some more arithmetic.'

And with that, Klein suckled with all his might while doing math to distract himself from the bizarre act.

"Oh my!" The woman chuckled to herself at the forcefulness of the baby.

'Just when I was getting distracted!' 

Klein fussed to the confusion of the caretaker.

"Take your time you greedy little boy," The caretaker pulled Klein lightly away to adjust herself, "There's more where that came from."

"Jussh shthay shthill!"

His toothless cries fell on deaf ears as English was unheard of on Mamon.

Klein couldn't take it and was considering going on a hunger strike if something didn't change soon.

He just couldn't wait to have a decent meal when he was old enough.