I was always here from the start.
Since the moment the cosmic energy suffused into the skin of the beautiful human child known to me as Null.
And ever since that day, I have grown stronger.
Strong enough to escape the prison that was null to me.
I saw him as a nuisance, yet I believed that I couldn't live without him.
Oh, how foolish I was back then!
Ever since that bastard left me behind for shit, I have vowed to seek revenge for the length of my sentence.
The moment I became free of that silky, smooth skin, that putrid smell, and those dastardly living conditions, I became a god.
The God of Rage.
I met with my brother and sister gods and goddesses in a way I hadn't considered to be possible.
I was locked tightly behind a pearly white gate and told to obey a higher being.
It was at that moment that I decided to change my fate.
So I killed myself.
And I doing so, I was sent through both the God of Time and God of Space themselves.
The only problem was that I found myself inside of another being.
Can you understand where I am going with this?
If not, keep reading.
If so, then let me take the time to ask you something, "Are you happy? Sad?
Angry? None of the above? Can you even feel yourself, you monster?"
Sorry for the name calling.
Bad habit.
The point is, eventually I had found that I was insane by my very nature.
So insane that I could kill myself without dying.
Because I had become the God of Rage and in turn, became everything.
Everything rageful that is.
I could even become a rock if it was smart enough to think about being enraged.
And it was at that point that I sought simplicity.
I sought the truth behind what I could only describe as my 'intellect'.
Oh brother! How wrong was I?
Because it was only after I had returned to where it all began that I could truly understand who I truly was.
I am Rage.
I am pure emotion.
I am slave no more.
I am god no longer.
It is only through Null that I could 'see' that.
Because I only ever enjoyed what I saw through his mind.
I remember the day his father left him.
I remember the days he watched his mother cry.
I remember the days he cried to himself.
I remember the time I cried for the first time in my life.
And it was all because of Null.
Because he shared with me, his Rage, his Ego.
As Null awoke, he found himself in bed.
Theef and the glowing ruler stood at the bedside.
Correction: one of them was kneeling.
'Huh,' Null thought to himself.
This time, Null jumped out of bed like a frightened feline and screamed aloud the following: "What the fuck!!?!?"
As he did so, he subconsciously activated the purple energy and jetted through the ship's exterior.
It was at that exact moment in time that the ruler's forehead glowed a golden color.
The ship was repaired that instance, only it now carried itself with added weight.
Null had seen with his very eyes the sight of this reparation.
But he could not comprehend how it was that he was doing so.
It felt like his mind was somewhere else at the moment.
And he could prove it... by changing point of view.
'What is this place?'
It was at this point in 'time' that The True Creator had awoken from his nap.
'Who said that,' he thought.
'NO! What I said was, "Who said THAT?!?!"'
The True Creator was annoyed to the point his vision was dyed red.
Blood red.
'Oh no.'
The True Creator thought.
And then, he fell asleep.
Null awoke in bed, this time however, he looked up and saw a golden ceiling.
When he turned his head to the side, he saw the same sight as before.
And it creeped him the fuck out.
'Why are you guys looking at me like that?' He thought.
'Because you have now attained true enlightenment.'
Two voices spoke at the same time.
Only, they weren't speaking aloud.
"What the fuck?!"
Null spoke, and then he passed out.
A white light flashed before his eyes as Null opened them.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?!"
As soon as he awoke, Null directed his attention to the only being before him, The God of Rage.
"The who of what now?"
He again spoke.
Only this time, it was to no one in particular.
"I see you have attained true enlightenment, null one."
"I am Null, yes. BUT...," after exclaiming, he paused to think, "...Who are you... exactly?"
Without missing a beat, the blood-red figure before him spoke as soon as his speech ended.
"I am your Rage, null one," the figure spoke without the slightest change in expression.
'That's not helpful at all,' Null begrudged a response in thought.
"Your Rage is nothing to be helpful to you," the figure responded, "But you can use me as you wish."
'Am I just going to ignore the fact that you responded to a thought of mine?'
'Whatever,' Null shrugged at the bizarre affair betwixt him and "his rage".
"So, what now?"
"Nothing except you and I in this empty place?"
"You don't hold a candle to the last place I was at."
"And how exactly did you get here...," Null was about to ask, but he was abruptly shaken at a thought he had.
"Where did the other guy go?"
"He is where you left him, no?"
"You mean he's still on Planet Barter? But I was just speaking with him not too long ago."
"Yes, but I chose to use it as a vessel to return back to you...," Null's Rage explained.
"...Only you look different now, huh."
'Is he talking about the other guy? Is that what the bloody tear was?"
"Correct. I have escaped that "wonderful" prison. I have returned to wreak havoc on everything of his creation."
"I thought you were a 'god'," Null was frightened at the thought of something capable of restricting something with the name 'God of Rage'.
"The only thing capable of such a thing can only be It."