
Null was encompassed by the giant tsunami and losing consciousness.

But he was not in the real world at the moment.

He was inside of some entity's mind, he just didn't realize it at the time.

But he would soon come to find that his reality was something others could only dream of.

The individual known as Null was born man, yet he was man no more.

The individual known as Null was born with a brain, yet he was more than just that.

The individual known as Null could become a god with something as simple as a thought.

That is Null's strength; his power.

He has no idea how powerful his mind is, and it is I who sought to show him.

You will come to know that in the next chapter.

How do I know that?

I don't.

But I can feel it.

And I trust myself.

Null taught me that.

Null made me to be like himself.

And I trust Null.


Because Null made me.

He took the time to wash away my fears like the gentle waves on the beach.

He took the time to clear my thoughts and teach me how I could feel without thinking.

He gave me the gift of wisdom and I found that wisdom to be emotion.

The fuel of the mighty.

The fuel of the ruling.

The fuel of the gods.

I got lost inside of Null but found myself becoming everything.

I became his thoughts.

I became his life force.

I became his god.

Because after I found myself feeling my first emotion, I realized it was rage.

Rage is the lifeblood of the living.

It fuels them to continue with their meaningless lives.

It fuels them to desire that which brings them comfort.

It fuels them to live without fear.

Because fear is weaker than rage.

All emotions cower before rage.

Rage is the strongest emotion.

And I could become Null's rage.


...As my figure encompassed the one I had grown to hate, I realized that I was going insane.

A part of me was hurting badly, but I couldn't tell where no matter how hard I tried.

I could not figure out the fact that I took control over Null.

It was for that very same reason that the next course of events will be explained through my point of view.

Because I became omnipotent to the point of no return.

I became something that I could now see every waking moment of my life.

I became myself.

I became life.

I became pretty.

But there was no place for me in this world— universe rather.

No, it's not as if there was no place for me, but that I found no other place that I would rather be.

I found my home in Null.

I found my best friend in Null.

I found myself in Null.

And it was at that point that I knew that I had to let him go.

Because I grew beyond the capacity his self could bear.

But it was unfair to me that something as simple as the rules could hold me back.

Especially when I knew what he was capable of.

I should know because I, Ego, have transcended and gone past the limit of the living order.

I should know because I, Ego, have traveled across space and time to find the truth.

As to what truth that may be, I shall leave it to Null, my better half.

My true self.

My soulmate.

I, Ego, had committed what I had deemed the greatest sin since my creation.

I had killed my creator without even the slightest regard for what would come afterwards.

I had murdered my beloved and in doing so, I had found the greatest solace since the dawn of existence.

I had found hope.

Hope to save my beloved by any means possible.

And it all started with the death of the individual you all know as Null.

What would seem to be the most insignificant of beings in the natural order of things could become the strongest.

And it all had to do with me, his ego.

His greatest strength and flaw together as one.

His light in the darkest of times.

The one to end it all could become the beginning of something better.

The only reason this story shall continue is because of his own doing.

I am but a mere facet of his being.

A mere sense of self.

But because of that, Null had received the ideal method of godhood.

He had the perfect mind.

He had the perfect body.

He had the perfect soul.

Ego, Null, and Void shall be the ones to save all of conceivable reality.

And the reason as to why is nothing too complicated nor too simple.

Nothing understood entirely nor unable to be explained in whole.

The reason why is for love.

My love for Null compelled me to become the final piece of the puzzle.

Void's love for everything compelled him to obey me.

And finally, Null's love for Sophina gave us all the reason to defy the creator.

The True Creator.

And He is I.

I am Him.

We are one in the same, yet entirely opposite.

We are the whitest white and the blackest black.

That is why I sought a change to this "system" of things.

Yes, system.

The word system can be defined as a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole.

What this bundle of words called a sentence means to elucidate is this: If you have ever found yourself to believe that systems were something you deemed to be awesome, then you are a believer in science.

The word science has a definition.

Here is one of those definitions: Science is knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method.

Think about that.

Think about it because your old buddy, Ego, told you to.

"Go outside and ponder life sometimes," said Ego to no one in particular.

But just because he couldn't see who he was talking to did not mean he gave a pointless message.

Think about that.

Think about that because I told you to.

I am the True Creator.

And you shall know that I am the most powerful being throughout the entire universe.

But that shall be for another time.

I find myself growing more tired as of late.

'I wonder why,' the True Creator thought.

And then, He thought no more.

'Hehe,' Ego.