Firstborn Child

Null was gobsmacked.


He could only yell one question to the spirit as he processed what exactly was happening.

"Hehehe! I don't know!" 

The giddy spirit chuckled like a baby as it reformed its shape into that of a humanoid figure resembling Null.

"Bring it in," Null spread his arms to the sloshing form.

"Bring in what?" 

The spirit widened its arms like Null and asked while tilting its head.

Null's countenance fell as he dropped his arms, "Never mind."


"So how have you been? Sorry I left you behind on Barter, I just didn't want to risk losing you."

"Haha. What do you mean by that," the spirit questioned with an awkward laugh.

Null was confused, "Well it must have been lonely for a bit, right?"

"I don't know. It's not like I was counting the seconds," the spirit shrugged.

It continued, "What I meant was what do you mean by you left me on Barter. I thought we were going to leave here together."

While Null wasn't the brightest or most sensitive to emotional behaviorisms and whatnot, he could still glean the meaning behind the spirits words.

'It still thinks I'm on Barter. Should break the news to it or not?'

Null did not know how to feel about the current circumstance.

It was clear to him that the spirit did not have a sense of time, but that wasn't the point.

"Some things happened, and I ended up leaving the planet we were on before. But I didn't take your body."

"Oh, so that's what you meant! I don't mind you doing that," the jolly spirit was all smiles as it spoke.

"If anything, I'm glad you mean to protect my body so well!"

Null couldn't help but smile as well the more he talked with the spirit.

"I don't suppose you have a name, do you?"

"Not that I know of," the spirit answered matter-of-factly.

"Then how about we come up with one for you?"


"Okay, so what-," Null began to ask a question, but was assaulted by a searing pain.

It felt like his blood was boiling; his skin felt like it was being torn apart by the cell.


Null let out a pained grunt as he began frothing at the mouth.

"What's wrong!" 

The clueless spirit reached to help Null, but that was when it all went downhill.

"Don't touch me!"

Null shoved the poor spirit away from himself while he was still falling apart.


As he fell to the floor, Null did not cease his violent convulsing.

His mind was being taken over and it all started with a bloody tear.

It ran down Null's face until it eventually reached his chin.

Yet it didn't fall; there wasn't enough of it to drip onto the floor.

So, there Null stood with a bloody streak down his face and a smile beginning to form.

'Happy,' he thought.

"Why am I so happy right now?"

Null slowly picked himself up and sought to comfort the spirit.

But the spirit was there no more, only a puddle.

"What's wrong?"

Null wanted to approach the puddle, but as he stepped closer to do so, it moved away from him.

"What's wrong," Null asked again.

He stepped closer, but still the soul soothing puddle inched itself further and further away.

"Hello? Weren't we going to give you a name?"


The puddle suddenly morphed into the giant face and screamed at Null like a child throwing a tantrum.

"I'm not happy. Why would I be happy?"

"Because you pushed me!!!"

The giant mass of soul soothing water formed a tidal wave that threatened to drown Null.

And drown it did.

Null couldn't breathe; his lungs had lost their supply of oxygen, and his blood oxygen levels were rapidly decreasing.

That meant his mind was beginning to slip.

And as it did so, something terrible was about to invade the premises.

That something took the form of a bloody tear.

A single tear that would qualify as the needle in the haystack that was the torrent of soul soothing water.

And while a needle might not seem like much to some, in the hands of a killer anything is a weapon— even their bare hands themselves.

We would soon be introduced to something so sinister that it would give The Devil a run for his money.

Something so terrifying that even the most powerful of beings would be hopeless to battle against.

Something so simple that even The God would be ashamed to admit his inferiority to.

What I'm about to tell you would be considered as a spoiler to those nitpicky losers that might refer to themselves as professional critiques.

Well, if I had something to say to them, it would be something along the lines of

"Go fuck yourself."

But to understand my reasoning, unfortunately dear Reader, you must reach the next chapter.

Beyond what lie before you now exist a plane both unvisited and unseen by any.

Any besides Him that is.

But he doesn't know that I can see him.

I can hear him.

And I've seen him before.

But where?

"That's it!"

The previous narrator then returned to tell the tale of the individual that would soon become the most powerful being to have ever existed since life first developed beyond a single cell.

You know his name.

He knows his name, but he refuses to live up to it.

But there is one individual that brought it upon themselves to help him.

Not out of the kindness of their heart, nor their sin of greed.

The one being mentioned is someone that you should be all too familiar with, despite them being nameless.


The one that would bring about change on a cosmic scale was none other than The True Creator, Ego, the infant artifact spirit of the Soul Soothing Vase.

Null's firstborn child that had been conceived coincidentally by way of three crucial aspects.

The first being the mind.

The second being the body.

The third being the soul.

While the legendary artifact that lie 'biding its time' while on Planet Barter had no organs, it was indeed alive.

While it was without the need for food, it still required a way to function without requiring much— if any— energy at all.

It was alive in spirit; it was alive through the most basic structure of mind.

And it was for that reason that Ego had become the first being in existence to become a god the very day it was born.

A being so powerful that one could argue had become something greater or only slightly lesser than a god.

Either way, it was pretty fucking insane!