Change the World

"Oh! My baby!" Sensing the worry in her child's voice, Meira scooped Klein into her warm embrace.

"I... I can't," he struggled to say what he could not yet vocalize. 

"It'll be okay my sweet, sweet boy," she said brushing her hand across his head as she comforted him.

Although she had a faint idea of what he was trying to explain, she would not care about anything besides his current well-being.

The previous spectacle was enough to let her know that something major had occurred within her son.

Taking his time to adjust while in his mother's arms, Klein took a few deep breaths before separating himself from her tight clutch. Upon closer inspection, it had turned out that he was not entirely without sight.

Though blind to the figures of the villagers, he could still see the mofei, only now it was much clearer.

Taking it in with his newfound vision, Klein looked closely at the blue veined person before him.


"Yes, my son?" Meira responded, sounding a bit worried.

"You've... do you have an aptitude for water?"

Meira was in disbelief, "How could you tell?"

It was not as if she hid her aptitude from her son, but seeing as she primarily used her water manipulation to tend to the farm plots, there was hardly any reason for her to actually manipulate around Klein.

Such was the case however that Klein could now see only the attuned water mofei attached to his mother's mei veins.

Aside from that, Klein could vividly see the ambient mofei in the air and that of the village people, but that was where his sight ended.

He no longer suffered from the dreaded myopia, however that was not to say he preferred his new frame of reality.

The deep earth was saturated with earth mofei, allowing Klein to still be able to see what the ground and ceiling of the bunker was; however, he not had no idea the looks upon the people's faces that now stared intently at himself.

"I can see it. Your body is glowing blue."

Meita now knew what her son was referring to. Her husband had divulged a plethora of information as to what may have been predominant in their son's eyes.

Meior himself was gifted, only it was his left eye that had a slight alignment to the mofei; what Klein was experiencing was something his father hoped would awaken inside his son.

It was known as the Mofeian Blessing.

With a blessing from the mofei, an ordinary specimen could utilize their given mei vein attunement beyond what was normally possible.

It would not take a blessing to reach the point where a water manipulator could transform their water mofei into ice, yet the ease in which one could do so might happen prematurely like with Klein.

Despite him not having fully formed his mei veins, he could still manipulate the mofei externally and have the predisposition to have rapidly growing mei veins.

With this in mind, Klein had now finished his Mofeian Blessing and linked his special eyes with the rest of his mei veins.

'I can feel it now. My mei veins have fully formed,' Klein looked around at all of the mofei around him.

He lifted his arm and focused on one strand of mofei in particular and waited.

The red orange mofei slithered towards his hand and settled all throughout it, assuming the position for what was about to come.

And with an audible "SNAP", the plume of flame was ignited, lighting up the entirety of the bunker.

"It's time." His mother would not yet understand what he meant, but Klein knew that this day marked the time when he would become one of the strongest manipulators known to his kind.

"Don't follow me mother. Keep safe with the rest of the village. I'll be okay."

Hearing the fleeting words of her son directly in her ears, Meira knew that her son was now a force to be reckoned with, just like his father. 

And so, the two-year-old boy with the sparkles in his eyes gradually stepped up towards the ceiling of the bunker and tapped at a spot.

Very quickly, that same spot disintegrated into bits of sand and dust that made for an easy to squeeze through hole.

Having climbed out of the bunker, Klein first noticed a lone man fighting for his life right in front of him.

The man in question stood gracefully as he took into account every meibeast that dared to knock him down.

With a flick of the wrist, a spike made of ice flung towards the eye of a boar looking beast.

A wave of his hand set ablaze a few rampaging chicken beasts making the air teeming with a good smell.

He could not stop every beast that charged at him, taking on some hits at times, but he donned an earthly armor that tanked most of the damages before falling to the ground seamlessly.

Klein was flabbergasted at how well an Imeni could be such a graceful killer while the adrenaline within him was aroused.

He too wished to become someone like that. No, he would become something better; there were too many errors with what he was seeing.

As he stepped forward, the male Imeni suddenly snapped his head around in angst.

"Klein, you shouldn't be out here! Get back in the-," Meior started, but as he stared at the little boy who stood behind him, he felt a wave of relief wash over him as well as a spike in his pride.

What he saw was a meibeast in Imeni form.

"Come now! I'll cover you, son!"

It felt good sensing the recognition in his father's voice: Klein gladly skipped forwards.

Together, corpses were strewn about, and the village was ransacked to hell, yet two the figures— both father and son— were happily using the mofei to mow down the Beast Tide into a small stampede away from the bunker.

Klein began employing his external manipulation, causing all sorts of close range and far-reaching abilities that the rampaging beasts had no way to avoid.

He would shoot hardened stone pellets at the beasts in front of him, and like his father, blast a plume of flames at the beasts that got too close.

The only true distinct difference between the two was the reliability of the son's attacks. Klein always used the bare minimum mofei to prevent the beasts from swarming him while the father used his much larger and more experienced mofei manipulation to mow down multiple beasts at once.

"Hahaha! My boy, you will surely rise to the top of the Imeni race and carve a home out for yourself to live in peace. It is up to those like you and I to change this dull world of mindless slaughter into a beautiful one of dazzling splendor."

Meior while surrounded by weaker prey was like an expert butcher among easy prey.

Klein could not wait to reach such heights as he joined his father in this world of mindless slaughter in what was some father-son bonding time.