Striving for More

The battle that seemed easy at first glance soon turned perilous.

Meior happily allowed his son to train against the fearsome meibeasts that he had no prior interactions with, yet after so many kills, the pair was undoubtedly going to tire out.

As such, he made sure to properly access the circumstances of his son at all times; this however, made his focus slightly alter when he should have allowed all his mind to be on the enemies in front.

He incurred more and more wounds while fighting back against the menacing meibeasts as well as some normal beasts scared into action.

The light scratches turned into heavy cuts and the bruising on his body worsened with every impact.

Nonetheless, Klein's uninjured body was still going strong as he used a method of manipulation never before seen by any of the village.

With his one special eye, Meior could see that his son would actively spot a weakness in the creatures in front and likewise respond with the most appropriate attack with a minute amount of mofei deployed.

If he was the butcher, then Klein would be the chef.

One slaughtered with grace while the other gracefully prepared the slaughtered piece.

The difference was unknown by the normal eye, but with the attribute of a special eye like theirs, there was an astronomically different feel to both of the strategies.

The mofei under Klein's control moved outside of his body to rapidly form into whichever elemental bout of force that would subjugate his prey.

It would only take a brief moment for the beast to then be taken out almost as if from the inside out.

This method of manipulation intrigued Meior greatly so because he wondered how possible it would be to duplicate the same with his internal manipulation.

The more he saw it, the stranger it felt to witness the external manipulation.

It was as if Klein was borrowing the natural state of the world in his attacks; every time he attacked, the mofei obliged in the form of attack best suited to take out the beast.

For an iron-shelled tortoise, a bright blaze of fire cooked the meibeast from the inside out; with any defense oriented meibeast that was usually harder to kill, the perfect method would be carried out swiftly.

Before, Klein had almost perfected generating small manipulations, such as the dust and water particles.

In comparison to then, Klein was able to implement such a precise control of the extraneous seeming casting, but now it was seen how effective it was to possess such a skill on a simple step up in manipulation.

Klein was on the same level as a teenager with attuned mei veins while he was still a child barely able to attend classes.

His water had developed into tennis ball sized orbs, his fire could now fit in the entirety of his tiny palms, and now his earth was denser, thicker, and harder.

As for his air manipulation, Meior saw it best when he himself was beginning to tire out.

The bright ball of energy that Klein was ceased to fade out no matter how much external manipulation he used and it was only when he focused that Meior noticed that ball of energy in him.

It was the purest of air mofei.

Klein had saturated himself with the air mofei the most of all his elements and that meant that something wonderous happened after some strenuous weeks of training.

At first, Klein felt an almost unbearable pain when channeling the ambient mofei through his underdeveloped veins, yet after a while of getting used to, the mofei transformed his body in ways he hadn't figured would be possible at the time.

The air he breathed felt purer and purer as his lungs received a plentiful amount of air mofei in them and up to a certain point in time the pain ceased, and the fruit of his behavior manifested itself.

His lungs were able to store air mofei like two sacks of air elemental storage abilities.

At the moment when the Beast Tide was devastating the village, Klein had not even been breathing; the entirety of his physical form was intently zoned on returning the favor to the rampaging meibeasts.

As for his lungs, they held the air mofei and as his heart pumped, his blood carried with it the saved up mofei in his lungs to support his bodily functions.

Because of this, Klein was not experiencing much— if any— bouts of exaustion.

The pure mofei sought to replenish all of the fatigue in his tiny body and was doing a tremendous job at it.

Meior was gob smacked at this realization; calling his son a meibeast in Imeni skin was not really farfetched at all to him now.

As difficult as it was for the Imeni to rival meibeasts with their natural growth speed being higher than theirs, they also gained special augmentations when reaching a certain point in their evolutions.

Particularly in the more intelligent of the species, these augmented body parts were almost a necessity to allow them to prosper amongst their less intelligent peers.

Just like the iron-shelled tortoise that Klein had cooked, the earth mofei inside of it's shell allowed for a more resilient protection.

It was much more difficult for an organ to become augmented; there was too much pain involved with it too.

Usually, the claws or another dead part of a meibeast would manifest an augmentation after a length of time being saturated with mofei.

Not only that, but how many Imeni could realize the potential behind external manipulation; in the first place, how many even knew about it being possible by themselves.

It took a special mind to create such a method that even the mindless creatures of Mamon could employ without even trying.

'This boy is even more powerful than I was when I first awakened my multi-element mei veins. I need to protect him at all costs.'

And with that thought, of course a terrible jinx was soon to befall the broken down, dirt village of Meita.


At last, the reason behind the Beast Tide revealed itself.