Epic Crossing

Klein was doing some necessary experimentation on the plants sort of 'natural manipulation', observing how the trees passed around what was vital nutrition and survival tactics.

When an older, much larger tree was surrounded by younger, smaller trees, there would be a larger flux of nature mofei from the larger tree to its young.

Such a thing was wonderous to witness in Klein's opinion; it was as if they had their own ways of nurturing in an environment where other beings sought nutrition from outside sources.

He felt he could simulate this process himself when he noticed the fact that as broken limbs of the trees lent some of the energy to them to heal itself.

This was a gamechanger as there could be medical usages, particularly with his father's missing arm. While he could not see it, Klein could pick out some sorrow in his father's voice after losing it.

It was a good thing that arms were not entirely necessary to manipulate, but they did function as a conduit to manipulate the mofei more precisely.

Just as he wished to travel back home, he saw a burst of light through the dense green of the forest's nature mofei.

This spectacular sight bewildered the young boy as he partook in the sight of the 'fireworks'. Such a thing was only possible by either a natural phenomenon or a truly terrifying creature. Nonetheless, Klein was torn between getting closer and returning home and warning them of this event.

His curiosity got the best of him as he noticed his feet were already generating the necessary mofei to pass through his boots and accelerate his speed. He shot towards the spectacle hoping he would make it in time to see it up close.

As he made it there, he saw the crash site and campfire setup as he climbed up a nearby tree. There was a child, a kneeling man, and then he saw it— a pink-skinned Imeni looking person with his hands held out, clearly causiing the scene above.

'So there exists such a powerful Imeni this close to the village! I wonder if he would take me in as a student or something.' Klein could hope to become as strong in his life. It was not as if a three-year-old brat was capable of what he was doing anyways.

Except, he saw the child carefully manipulating a water orb before it splashed harmlessly onto the floor. Now it was Klein's moment for his jaw to drop.

'There's actually someone near my age already capable of manipulating as well! Why do I feel as if I'm not as special anymore?' He lamented.

He also noted another intriguing fact: the child spoke his past language, English.

'No, this is actually a good thing. I only need to observe and see if these guys are friendly enough to entertain a child like me given the fact that there is a child among them.'

'If I can establish contact through speaking the same language, that might already give me a significant advantage in befriending them.'

"No way! You fucking rule!" As he thought, he heard the child exclaim as the Imeni looking person slowly reverted back into his original form.

'Wait a minute! He wasn't an Imeni to begin with!?'

In his shock, his nature manipulation to cloak his being grew unstable for a second. They had been talking amongst themselves up to this point.

After a short conversation, he heard the child speak once more, "One power up, coming right up!"

And as he saw, an immense torrent of earth mofei stronger than Klein had ever witnessed— even when the bunker was being opened— spreaded throughout the kneeling figures body before reacting to something special inside of them; the power shone on the figure's forehead and Klein was once more surprised out of his mind.

A special power beyond what he could comprehend had locked onto him as the metal mofei was coalescing with the man's law. 

A golden coin appeared out of nowhere as he pointed right towards Klein's location; an intense force of gravity was then placed on the area and the branch he was on snapped straight off.

'Shit! How did he know,' Klein could not help but release a groan under the effects of the powerful crushing force.

The other two noticed this and were soon preparing for a battle.

'There's no helping it now,' Klein immediately decided to make a diplomatic approach as the others did not actively seek to pursue him, "I don't mean any harm! I only came to see the master behind such elegant manipulation!"

Null immediately picked up on the fact that the hidden figure spoke his language, 'English!? Do the people of this planet happen to speak the same language? No, it's highly unlikely. Then could they have traveled same as us?' He could not help but maintain caution even though they spoke a familiar language.

"Just get yer ass out here already!" As Theef was known for his niceties wherever he traveled, so it only made sense for him to make first contact with the other person.

"Alright, I'm coming out." Klein had no choice but to dispel his nature cloaking manipulation and walk out of the trees slowly. 

As the rest saw his tiny personage, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief; it was only a small child that they were so worked up about.

"Something's not right about this guy," Null promptly told his partners.

"Oh, come on. It's a kid just like you," Theef said.

"Remember, I'm only a kid in appearance," Null made sure to tell it like it was.

The pauper had not let down his guard in the slightest but still relaxed a bit upon seeing the child that was Klein, "It seems like you caught the attention of a little tike, eh Theef? It's not a surprise that anyone who saw such a sight would want to see its source."

"Yeah, yeah my bad for showing off," Theef relented.

"Who are you guys?" Klein could not help but notice the broken ship, stoking his curiosity to newfound heights.

It was Null's turn to be curious as a tingling feeling was felt down his spine; he did not know how exactly he knew, but he in fact knew this kid in front of him.

His milky white aura erupted, but ever so slightly, it had turned into a periwinkle color, "Guys... it's him."

The confusion on both Theef and the pauper's faces was evident. 

'What does he mean by, "It's him"?'