New Crewmate, Roasted Enemy

A crystalline tear fell from Null's right eye as he was struck with a wave of emotion. This child was the reason for their three grueling years of cultivation and immersing themselves in the powers Null bore with it.

Having drawn in the mofei into his vortex, Null had not yet circulated it into his meridians. It was more so his vortex collecting and diffusing it wherever he willed.

But with his right eye, something was triggered deep inside of him; the vortex— also known as Void— bared a message to him: this child was full of a mystic power much like itself.

This combined with a reading from Ego inside his mind, the truth was elucidated to Null as to who the one in front of him was.

Klein was rather confused as to the teary eyed kid across from him, but the two at his side knew just how important such a sign was. 

They both had travelled with Null for some time and knew that whenever it seemed like something was happening outside his control, it was tied to his powers and true self as someone who had attained enlightenment.

With enlightenment came the ability to pursue the secrets of anything others could only look at dumbly; Null had three components necessary to provide himself with such a thing: Ego, Void, and the cosmic structure.

Ego had already taken it upon themselves to decode the elusive structure's hidden mysteries and Void mostly remained in its vortex form, so Null himself could only wait for a moment just like this to receive the information he could not gather himself.

He was suddenly forced to recall the past on his home planet; the last surviving people were together with him: a tall, scholarly nerd with glasses stood on the sidelines as he interacted with a thuggish bully.

Then, he was back in the present with the same person in front of him only now they were born to a place of magical wonders.

"You might not remember me, but my name is Null."

Klein took that name into consideration as he had took note of the remembering part of the sentence, 'He's saying that I might not remember him and speaks my past life's language,' he knew that something was amiss with this child that looked not much older than himself.

Feeling like that may have gotten the boy's attention, Null felt further inclined to explain to him what was up, "Before you came here, can you remember memories of your past?"

'He even knows about that! It must be him that is related to why I have memories of my past life,' Klein then said, "How do you know this about me?I haven't even told anyone in this life lest they think I'm crazy or lying."

"I know because I may have had a part in it all. Just take my hand to see what I can show you." Null gave his hand out in attempt to show his good faith.

Klein did not see why he should not oblige and lightly took his hand.

Soon enough, a periwinkle aura burst from their hands; it was as if his brain was being opened wide and his mind was now able to peruse all of his past with vivid clarity unlike with his muddled dreams.

From his childhood STEM lessons to his high school science fair projects, there was nothing he did not love more than science.

As he took it all in, so did Null.

Such a bright childhood and rich accruement of life's vastitude; he always dreamed of living like this, but all of his life there was nothing but dead ends.

Colten was his past self before the planet's growth from a bounty of spiritual energy and Klein was his present self, born of the Imeni on a planet of mofei.

His eyes previously saw the magic of science through lenses born of science and now he saw mofei through eyes attuned to it. 

Life is just a cycle.

Klein had finally separated from Null after some time and was left with a clear mind.

"So, it's you," he looked to Null with a renewed onlook of life

"The whole world went to shit because of some asshole, but this was something I never could have figured." Null felt bad about the fact that he passed in such a way, but looking at him now, it seemed he was fighting to make his place in this world.

"Now I've got a new one with people I need to protect. If this is where I'm needed now, then the past is in the past," he added. "It's Klein by the way."

Null smiled at him, "Well Klein, since we came all the way here for you, how about we get to know each other at your place?"

He then pointed to his right, "This here's Theef, the best thief out there and a pretty powerful one as I've gotten to know," he then turned to his left, "And this is... well... y'know I never really got your name. Can't keep calling you Barter's Ruler now can I?"

"It would suffice for me. Gotta get the name out, right?"

"...," Null sat in disbelief, "But you gotta have a name though, right?"

"Haha. I haven't had a name for many years young one, Barter is the planet I rule over, so Barter's Ruler should suffice."

"Well then, Barter's Ruler, I am Klein of Meita Village," Klein spoke in his tongue as a way of being respectful, not knowing the technology Theef had at his disposal.

"We've got tech to understand you, so rest assured no need to test us." Theef was on top of Klein's intentions.

"Of course, I just have yet to come into contact with an intergalactic species aside from my own— excluding my past of course."

"That's great and all, but you kinda interrupted our dinner, care to join?"

It was now that Klein had noticed the plume of feathers and severed head of the beast he was being chased by not too long ago along with its roasted corpse.

'These guys are the real deal.' He had decided that these people were the ones that were going to take him places in life. And he would be there to go beyond the confines of Meita Village and possibly even Mamon itself if they could get another ship going.

"Let's eat!"