Lingering Threat

The world is full of wonders and amazing people, AURORA BioTech has shown the world how far technologies can advance. With their cutting-edge technologies, the world never have been safer.

In one peaceful house, a man is preparing breakfast while news broadcast can be heard in the background talking about the AURORA BioTech and their plans for the future. As the man finishes preparing breakfast, a female voice can be heard.

"Are you going to be at work for the whole day?" The woman asked

The man replies "Maybe... things have gotten pretty rowdy at work."

To which to woman replied "Make sure to get a free time, you know what's the date today is, right?"

The man nods "Yes, I know, I'll work it out somehow."

On the TV, the news is talking about an unknown cube that was found by a group of excavators in Antarctica.

The reported can be heard "A group of miners found a very strange object deep within the mines in Antarctica. The object appears to be a cube about the same size of a Rubik's cube, it has a blue color and appears to be glowing. The authorities have taken it to their local laboratories to find out what it is, however, there rumors that it might be transferred to AURORA's laboratories instead." The reporter than cuts to a different subject.

As the man finishes preparing breakfast, his phone starts ringing.

The man heads outside to answer the phone, while the woman calls for her daughter "Myra, come down now, breakfast is ready!"

A voice is then heard from upstairs "Coming!"

Footsteps can be heard as Myra rushes down the stairs, her long black hair waving from side to side as she heads down while wearing her school uniform.

The Mother then helps Myra take a seat, before showing Myra's favorite dish "Here, your favorite, Omelette Rice!"

"Yay!" Myra celebrates

The Father then goes back inside and they all have their breakfast together. After finishing breakfast, everyone prepares to leave, the Mother helps Myra prepare for school, while the Father prepares to go to work.

A little while later, they left the house, outside, the weather was great, their neighborhood was peaceful. The Mother and Myra enter their car, while the Father chats with a neighbor for a moment. As the Father turns around, Myra can be seen waving at him before departing.

After finishing talking with a neighbor, the Father then hops in his car and departs. As he drove through the outskirts of the city, he noticed a group of AURORA Agents surveying the area. As he turns to the gate of the facility, he is stopped by two guards asking him to show his ID.

He pulls out his ID from his pocket and shows it to the guards.

Dr. Daniel Henderson

AURORA Head Scientist

Level 5 Authority

Director: Council Member Eric Frost

Is what's written in the ID.

The guards then let him through, he then parks his car at the back of the facility. As he enters the facility, he is greeted by Eric Frost.

"Morning, Daniel!" Eric greets him

"Good Morning, Sir." Daniel replies back

Eric then grabs Daniel's shoulder "This is a big opportunity, Daniel! Your team has been selected to study the strange cube those miners found in Antarctica." Eric excitedly says

Daniel was shocked at the what his director said "Wait, isn't the cube supposed to be on a European site right now?" He asked Eric

"It's currently being transported here." Eric responds "However, your team has more experience with unnatural stuff, so all of the Council members, including those on other sites like the one in Europe, have all agreed to transfer the cube here."

"Really? Then, with pleasure!" Daniel agrees, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of working on such an unusual object.

As Daniel and Eric discuss their plans for the study of the cube, the scene cuts to the Mother who is busy grocery shopping. She is picking out various ingredients, including Myra's favorite foods, and putting them into the cart.

As she approaches the checkout counter, the cashier greets her "Good afternoon, ma'am. How are you doing today?"

The Mother smiles "I'm doing well, thank you. I'm just preparing for a special occasion today."

The cashier nods "That's great to hear. Do you have any special plans?"

The Mother nods "Yes, I'm preparing a surprise for my daughter. It's her 12th birthday today."

The cashier smiles "Oh, that's wonderful! Happy birthday to your daughter."

After finishing her grocery shopping, the Mother heads back home and begins to prepare for the occasion. She decorates the living room with balloons and streamers, and sets up a special table for Myra's birthday cake.

Meanwhile, at the AURORA BioTech facility, Daniel and his team is busy preparing for the arrival of the cube. As they continue to work, Daniel receives a call from his wife, who reminds him about Myra's birthday celebration. Daniel thanks his wife for the reminder and tells her that he has invited Eric to come over after work.

Later that day, the cube arrived in perfect condition, however, it's already pretty late, so he and his team decided to safely store the cube inside and call it a day.

A little while, Daniel, Eric, and a few other colleagues arrived and were greeted with an overjoyed Myra.

"Happy Birthday, Myra." Daniel and his colleagues greeted her

Myra lit up with a big smile "Thank you!"

In the AURORA facility, the cube started emitting strange energy and started to glow brightly.

Myra jumps around in excitement as her mother presents her, before she could blow the candle, Myra needs to make a wish first.

She wishes in her mind "I wish for many more birthdays to come."

Meanwhile, in a dark and desolate forest in Canada, a blinding light burst forth from the trees, illuminating the surrounding area with an eerie glow. The air crackled with energy as a massive rift began to tear open, revealing a glimpse of a strange and unknown world beyond.

Myra wishes for her family to remain complete and happy, she wishes that her father would spend more time with her, she wishes for these bright and happy days to never change, after giving all of her wishes, Myra finally blows the candle.

End of Chapter ------- Lingering Threat