
Night of January 15, 2028, the rift that opened in a forest in Canada has attracted a group of curious teenagers, and begins investigating and filming it. A few moments later, some kind of humanoid creatures, carrying some kind of rifle and wearing body suits, started coming out of the rift, and starts attacking the group of teenagers.

Meanwhile, the Henderson family is enjoying their daughter's birthday party along with some friends and colleagues. Myra is currently blindfolded and is ready for a surprise from her parents, when Myra finally removes the blindfold, she is greeted by puppy, making Myra jump in excitement as she has been wishing for a pet dog.

Back in Canada, these humanoid creatures have started attacking residential areas, destroying houses and killing hundreds. Local police tried to shoot at these humanoid creatures but to no avail, and soon, they too, were gunned down.

The Henderson family continues to enjoy the rest of the evening, while the other-worldly invaders continues to wreak havoc in Canada.

Echoes of Sirens: Prelude to Chaos ------- Chapter 2: Invaders

Although, it's only been 2 hours since the strange creatures appeared, the local police were already engaging them.

As the battle between the armored beings and the police forces ensues, the Smith family huddled together in their basement, listening to the sounds of explosions and screams above.

"Mom, when will this end?" asked 10-year-old Lily, tears streaming down her face.

"I don't know, sweetie," replied her mother, trying to stay calm despite her own fear. "We just have to wait it out and hope the army can stop them."

But the sounds of gunfire and chaos only grew louder, and soon the family knew they couldn't stay in their home any longer.

"We have to go," said Lily's father, grabbing a backpack and filling it with supplies. "We can't wait for someone to come save us."

Together, the Smiths emerged from their basement and into a world of destruction. Fires burned in the streets and buildings lay in ruins, while the humanoid creatures marched through the city, destroying anything in their path, while the police tried everything they can to stop them.

The family had no choice but to flee, making their way through the wreckage and towards the nearest evacuation point. Along the way, they encountered other survivors, all with stories of their own of loss and destruction.

As the Smith family and other survivors made their way to safety, they could only wonder: where did these invaders come from, and what did they want?

Meanwhile, in the other parts of the world, rifts just like the one in Canada, started appearing, and just like in Canada, humanoid creatures also came out of those rifts. And before they knew it, humanity is now facing worldwide destruction, and the world has come to known these other-worldly beings as "Riftborns".

March 10, 2028, the RIftborns are now rolling down towards Canada's capital, Ottawa. Both Canadian and American soldiers prepare for the upcoming battle, although they know that they don't have a chance in stopping the Riftborns, they at least intend on holding them back and give more time for civilians to evacuate.

As the Riftborns approached the city, the soldiers braced themselves for what would be an intense battle. Tanks and other military vehicles lined the streets, while helicopters hovered overhead, ready to rain down fire on the invaders.

But despite their best efforts, the Riftborns proved to be almost unstoppable. Their weapons and armor were far beyond anything the military had ever seen, and they seemed to possess a superior strategy and tactics.

The battle raged on for hours, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. But in the end, the Riftborns emerged victorious, their advanced technology and sheer force overwhelming the soldiers.

As the dust settled, the city lay in ruins, with countless lives lost and many more displaced. The Riftborns continued their march, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, and the world could only watch in horror as the invaders rampaged across the planet.

And so, the invasion had begun, and the world was plunged into chaos and despair.

August 2, 2028, AURORA BioTech, Site Cervuz, Bavaria, Germany.

Everyone is busy inside the facility as they work around the clock preparing to evacuate the facility, as the Riftborns have already taken most of Germany.

Dr. Eva Schmidt, a lead researcher at AURORA BioTech, had been working tirelessly on a new serum that could potentially help fight the Riftborns. She knew that time was running out, and they had to evacuate soon, but she couldn't leave without at least attempting to save her life's work.

Suddenly, the sound of blaring sirens filled the air, signaling the arrival of the Riftborns.

One of the soldiers calls for Eva and her team "Everyone, we need to evacuate now!" he shouts

"But what about the serums?!" She asked

The soldier shakes his head and says "Nothing we can do about it, there's no more room left for that in the chopper!"

Dr. Schmidt and her team knew they had no chance against the heavily armored invaders, but they also couldn't let the serum fall into their hands. In a desperate attempt, they destroyed the serum, knowing that their work was lost, but at least the Riftborns wouldn't have it.

As they ran towards the evacuation point, Dr. Schmidt couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. How many more lives would be lost before they could find a way to defeat the Riftborns? And how much more would they have to sacrifice?

The evacuation was successful, but the loss of the serum weighed heavily on Dr. Schmidt and her team. As they boarded the transport, they knew they had to keep fighting, even if it seemed hopeless. They had to find a way to save humanity from the Riftborns.

End of Chapter ------- Invaders