The Path We've Left Behind

Myra narrates "It's been three years since the Riftborns appeared, everything and everyone have changed, including my dad..." Myra looks at her father, who is working hard alongside other scientist.

Myra then visits a cemetery along with her father, in front of them is the gravestone of Alexia Henderson.

"Mom, we've come to bring you your favorite flowers, as well as your favorite book..." Myra says as she tries to hold her tears

"Your daughter has been growing healthily, you know?" Daniel says with a soft smile

As Myra place down the flowers, she remembers back a helicopter crash for a second. Myra and Denial then later heads back.

Myra looks back for a moment and says in her mind "Watch over us, Mom."

Chapter 3 ----------------------- The Path We've Left Behind

Author's note: Myra will narrate this portion 'till the final segment.

January 16, 2028. Me and my mom were watching some Primetime shows in the TV, when it was suddenly interrupted by a breaking news.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news," the anchor announced. "A strange phenomenon has been reported across the globe, causing widespread power outages and disruptions to communication networks. We have received reports of bizarre creatures sighted in some areas, and authorities are urging everyone to stay indoors and remain calm."

At first, we didn't think of it much since we thought the military can take care of them. However, we couldn't have been more wrong, the Riftborns were a lot more powerful and advance than anyone could've expected.

And in the morning of March 10, 2028. The news that the capital of Canada, Ottawa, has fallen under the reign of these creatures we now call, the "Riftborns".

And now, our own country, the United States, is now in danger as the Riftborns have completely taken over Canada, and have started pouring in New York on the 15th of March.

Mom ensures me that we're safe, but then...

March 30, 2028

"The city of Washington is in danger! Aerial footage shows a large formation of Riftborns crossing the border and into Washington. We've also got news that the Riftborns that were advancing through New York has suddenly changed direction and are now advancing westwards, straight towards Washington." The news anchor announces

A few hours after that news came in, Dad arrived home and told us to pack our belongings as we are going to Dad's workplace.

He told us to only get our clothes, valuable items, and other necessities. Back then, I didn't really get why we were in a hurry, but I decided to help out.

We were in such a hurry that I almost forgot to take the music box that my dad gave me.

After packing up, we left our house and later arrived my dad's workplace. They called it the AURORA site "Kingfish", I didn't know what that means, but the building was really big.

Dad brought us at the back of the building. On the side, there was a helicopter, Dad told us that we will be boarding it, and when we were about to get in, Dad approached a group of men transporting a container in an even larger helicopter.

Author's note: The helicopter being mentioned here is a CH-53e Super Stallion, while the helicopter that Myra and her family will be boarding is a UH-60 Black Hawk.

Dad spoke to them for a while before heading back and boarding our helicopter.

"Tower, this is Helix 119, requesting permission for takeoff." The pilot asked

*Radio Static*

"Roger, Helix 119 clear for takeoff" The pilot stated

Author's note: Remember that we're following Myra's perspective, hence why the Tower's response weren't heard.

After that quick exchange, the helicopter began hovering, but before we could fully takeoff, sirens started blaring throughout the site.

Everyone started moving in a hurry, the large helicopter earlier also immediately took off just a few seconds after the sirens rang.

"Shit, They're here! Everyone hang on, this will be a bit rough!" The pilot shouted

Our helicopter started shaking, and when the shaking stopped, we were already far from the site. But what really caught my attention was the sky, it had turned from the normal afternoon yellowish color, to dark red.

Fear grips my entire body, the blood red sky occupied by the everlasting sirens echoing from the AURORA site makes my body tremble, I hold on to my mom while crying as the helicopter started shaking and swerving violently, my mother assured me that everything will be alright. And then...


*Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep---* "We're hit! Mayday, mayday, this Helix 119, we are going down two clicks southwest of Kingfish! I repeat, we are--"


Author's note: I'll be narrating from here, but we're still seeing through Myra's eyes.

The helicopter that Myra and her family were riding crashed somewhere southeast from the Kingfish site after being hit by a rocket from the Riftborns' weapons.

Myra regains consciousness as a group of soldiers helps her father stand up.

As she turns to her side, she sees her mother lying motionless in the side near the downed helicopter, the wailing noises of the sirens continues on from the distance.

"...Mom..?" Myra calls out to her mother before she closes her eyes

A short while later, Myra opened her eyes again and sees her father approaching her, while two men tries to treat her mother's wounds. Myra closes her eyes again and when she opened her eyes again, she is being carried by her father to safety, her mother lies near the burning wreckage of their helicopter, dead, while the sirens continues to echo throughout the forest and all fades to black.

After recalling of these events, Myra speaks in her mind "3 years later... I can still hear the sirens, echoing throughout my mind, reminding me... of the path we've left behind..."

End of Chapter -------- The Path We've Left Behind