"Flower boy?"

Slowly rising from her sitting, Ariana was clearly stunned by this person's face. But seeing this person frown dissatisfied and confused hearing her, she returned back to her reality.  The reality is that all people here, even with the same face, is a different people and she needs to face that.

Why does she keep forgetting it?

Still, it's understandable that she's still trying to adjust instead of being shocked. It's hard to remind herself constantly, even if she was once part of a mafia organization!

"What did you just say?"

"I-I mean, who are you?" She decided to just feign ignore even though she knew his name as looking at this man's demeanor now, clearly, he didn't like her presence at all. But, it's not like she is the one seeking him. So why the sour face?

His frown slowly relaxed a little after her question.

'She's staring straight into my eyes. Looks like what Smith said is true.' Zayn realizes that this is the first time this is happening as she never dared to look into his eyes all this time even when she always spends time with him.

"You... Don't remember who I am? Are you sure of that or this is your latest strategy to make me pay attention to you? " Still sound cold, he still wants to have a conversation as he feels curious. It will be a lie if he didn't.

'This guy here, looking down on me. I mean to this Ariana. What actually happened between them? ' Ariana can smell something fishy now.

"Lily said no one can enter this area without my permission as I own this garden. So why are you here and shamelessly insulting me? " Bold. She decided to be that. Her true nature.

Zayn flinched a little at this change in the air. As if he is dealing with other people.  After a few seconds, he laughed cynically a little. It looks like he already except that she is not acting.

Ariana felt suffocated a little by being around him so she let out a very long sigh. Deliberately showing him that she's not liking this encounter at all.

"Please go. I want to be alone for a while."

Zayn ignored the request and started sitting facing Ariana who now standing up. He did it without asking permission which making her was stunned seeing this. Looks like this man really has a switch that can make her blood rise.

"You live in my palace. So everything in my land is mine even if you manage this place. I give this part of the land to you so that you don't glue yourself to me all the time as it's annoying. But now you tell me to go away and ask permission? Are you kidding me?"

"So?" Ariana also started to be cold. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Zayn made an unsatisfied face again. He didn't understand what she meant. Did she not hear what he just said?

"Well, as you know I lost my memories, and hearing you say this, I know now that you must be the duke that people who work here often talk about. But why do you bullying me here?"

Zayn gripped his hand tightly. He knows it will be quite hard for him to handle this one new personality.

"Seeing you run your mouth like that even if you lose your memory, you are still the same annoying person."

Of course, Ariana started to get irk listening to all this nonsense.

"So, please just go away as our feelings are now mutual. Why are you being here with someone you find annoying?"


Zayn clearly sounded angry but Ariana didn't stop there. This is also an opportunity for her to let go of her frustrated feeling toward someone even if that someone is not responsible for her misfortune. But as he looks for a fight first, he will be the one who becomes her victim. Unfortunately.

"Besides, as you said you give this part of the land to me, so naturally, as a gift, this garden is already owned by me. Why are you pretending that you are still the owner? Are you that petty of a person who wanted to take back something that was already given? Or you didn't know the real concept of giving?"

"Shut up!" Zayn now standing while staring sharply at Ariana. A stare that before this will make the girl cry non-stop for a day, but now, there's nothing.

He now stepped forward to stand close to Ariana before giving her his piece of mind.

"Losing your mind or not, you are still a Conrad. A person, who had very disgusting blood that I will never forget."

"I'm not doing anything to you, so why?"

"You might not remember anything, but you are the same person responsible for my misery. My family and the whole line of the real royal family. And I will not be going to stop until I see you and your family, fall to the ground. Same as what all of you did to the previous empire."

Ariana knew she was getting more confused when talking to this man. She knows she needs to investigate the matter first before anything. But she knows for sure, this guy is not the friendly person that she once knew.

"You seem to hate me too much."

"Listen here, Ariana. Let me remind you of this. Your very existence makes me hate you. Seeing your face alone, it's like you're holding a knife that stabs me in silence. Do you understand that? That's why, after this please keep your distance from me. Stop being selfish."

"If you hate me why am I here? Why you are not casting me aside or driving me away? I'm sure it's easy for you to do that."

"Said the person who begs the emperor to be tied to me and starts all this feud."


After listening to all that, Ariana seemed to hear a buzzing sound in her ears that was quite loud and gave her an extreme headache.


Hearing Ariana suddenly moan in pain and holding her head, Zayn was a little surprised but he stopped himself from helping and just standing there.

"What's with you?"

Without realizing it, Ariana held Zayn's chest with her other hand to balance herself from falling. At the time, her mind started remembering something. Like a flashback from this Ariana past.

"Can't you give me a chance? Zayn? I promise it's not like what you think it is." She sounds begging.

"Just stop this nonsense and stay away from me." Zayn looks blurred here but clearly, the voice is his.

"I will do anything for you Zayn. I will." She cries desperately while holding Zayn's arm.

"Stop appearing in front of me. That's what I want the most." Said Zayn while snatching his hand from being held by her.

Then the image of helplessness began to appear. That Ariana looks too weak there.

"Goodbye... Zayn..." That is what she said last while looking at the back of the man who walked away from her.

Ariana started crying without realizing it at that time for some reason while her breath began to gasp.

"Hey? What's wrong?"

Zayn, however, didn't push her away but also didn't do anything. He just stared. Probably he wanted to see some proof that she is really sick or something. It's a cruel act, and he knows it. He can just call a guard from letting her be like that.

Cannot hold back any longer, Ariana finally faints and is about to fall to the ground but at this moment, Zayn catches her. Looks like he decides to be human after all.

"You..." In such a weak state, before closing her eyes she managed to say that one word.


After a long deep sleep, at least that's what Ariana felt, she finally opened her eyes.

"Still here..." With a rather hoarse voice, she said.

"You're awake my lady." Lily smiled, sitting beside the bed and her face looked tired.

"You look like I was going to die, Lily," Ariana said while slowly getting up to get off the bed.

Without saying much, Lily helped her.

"I am so worried my Lady. My heart almost dropped when I saw a knight suddenly carry you here when you are just fine before. There is no blood on your face at all."

Now Ariana knows it is not Zayn who helps her even though they are together. It's not like she cares anyway. But, she still remembers what he said before to her,

'...I will not be going to stop until I see you and your family, fall to the ground...'

Why did he say something like that? Unless something really awful happened before. It is impossible that we will be in bad blood if there is nothing.

"Lily, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, you can my Lady. What is it?" Lily, who was currently preparing food, quickly answered.

"Where is my family?"