"Ah, right. You probably didn't remember about your family too, didn't you? " Lily just realized it but her eyes divert here and there a little as if she doesn't know how to speak.

"I remember their name and face, that's all. Who actually they are and why do people call me princess? Can I count on you to tell me?"

Ariana wanted to begin her investigation. She is going to live in this world, so she must know what kind of life this Ariana is living to avoid making mistakes.

"People call you a princess because you are my lady. Your father is the king of this kingdom of Phoenix now."

"Now?" Ariana realized that one word and felt that there was something missing here. With what Zayn talked to her before she knew something was off and it all started with her family.

Also, looking at Lily's body language at that time, which seemed to be nervous when talking, reinforced her feeling that there was something else that is difficult to discuss.

"What kind of relationship that I had with them? I mean to my father and mother? Also with my other siblings?"

Lily looks more nervous than before.

"O-of course you have a good relationship with all of them."

Ariana knew instantly what Lily said just meant the opposite.

"I want to go to see them today. Ask the head butler to prepare for my carriage. " She needs to see the situation by herself. It can't be too bad, right?

"W-what? You mean you want to go to the Royal Palace? " Lily probably didn't see this coming.

"Yes. Why? Is there anything else I need to know before I go there? " Ariana wanted Lily to be honest as much as possible. She knows Lily is hiding something from her knowledge.

Lily began to scratch her head.

"You are not well yet my lady. Can't you just rest for today? You even fainted and just woke up. Also, we need to ask the royal palace in advance before visiting."

"Why am I, a princess needs to ask an audience. Didn't I also belong to the royal family?"

Lily was a little surprised by the sudden interrogation. Poor girl. But it's not like Ariana deliberately wanted the girl to feel stuck.

"O-of course you are one of them, but you are living here now in this Silver Palace, and it's a normal protocol to ask permission for an audience first before seeing the king or the four princes."

Looking at Lily now, Ariana knew she wasn't lying.

"Then, I go tomorrow. No need to ask for an audience as this is not a formal visit. I didn't want to meet the king or the princes anyway. I just want to see the environment at the royal palace. This will do right?"

Listening to Ariana not wanting to meet the royal family and just wanting to sightseeing, Lily's face seemed relieved.

"If that is so, I will go tell the head butler in advance. Please eat first my lady."


The next day,

Ariana gets ready to go out to the royal palace. The one who will accompany her is her personal knight Sir Robert and Lily. The head butler wanted her to bring more knights, but she refused as she didn't want to draw too much unwanted attention.

Her goal today is to see how her family is living in this world. That's all. Of course to do that she needs to escape from the observation of Sir Robert and also Lily. She wants to wander at the royal palace freely.

With her current condition, she knows she can't fight like she was before as her body feels too weak, and lacks muscle and energy. But she is confident she can escape from Sir Robert and Lily for a moment, even though she is not as fast as she used to be. That's the major reason why she doesn't want too many people to follow her.

Although she knows that she can't be too sure as Sir Robert is a trained knight. Just looking at his big body and the scar that he owns here and there in places that are visible to eyes already shows it.

However, Ariana has not yet made any contact with him in the form of a conversation other than a few words when they have been introduced. But she knows from her experience, that he is not someone to be played with.

"Sir Robert, I count on you." Head Butler Smith said before looking at Ariana, who was now ready to enter the carriage.

Sir Robert just nodded. Seeing this, Ariana knows that he is someone who has a bit of a heavy mouth. The type who is fast doing his work, but not that social.

'Good. ' She likes this one.

"Princess, although your doctor said you'll be just fine, please come back early." Head Butler sounds so concerned now.

"I know that Mr. Head Butler. I don't plan to stay out too long anyway. Please prepare my lunch as usual. " Ariana already imagines her lunch now even though she is just eating breakfast, and she eats a lot of it.

"Will do princess."

With the help of Smith, Ariana got into the carriage with Lily, who still looked as nervous as yesterday. Ariana decides to just keep quiet even though Lily looks so obvious. There's nothing she can gain from people who didn't want to talk anyway.

The journey to the royal palace was not as smooth as expected. Ariana was a bit excited at first as this is her first experience, but because the road was rocky here and there, it made the carriage vibrate here and there, making her back hurt. Luckily she didn't throw up!

Arriving in front of the palace where they need to put the carriage there, Ariana is finally relieved when she can finally breathe well.

"Are you nauseous princess?" Lily asked as she saw the pale face. She calls Ariana princess as they are outside now to avoid any unwanted rumors.

"I'm fine. Sir Robert, you can just stay here. We won't be long. I just want to visit a few places. " Ariana began to carry out her mission. To get rid of Sir Robert's supervision.

Robert frowned a little at the sudden request.

"I can't do that princess. Protecting you is my duty." He finally let out his 'golden' voice.

"Did you just tell me that I would be in danger in my own area? Me, the one and only princess? " Ariana deliberately sounded confident, even though she knew the timid personality of Ariana in this world. Of course, she won't allow people to view her like that any longer. She's going to change all that completely!

Sir Robert didn't flinch at all but looked at her as if he was wondering about something.

"The duke will have my head if anything happens."

"Oh please... I'm sure both of you know by now how our relationship is not that good. I bet he is happy if I'm not going back to his palace. " Ariana said casually.

"Princess!" Lily screamed a little now, not expecting that her timid princess could say it without crying.

"It's nothing new. Don't worry about it Lily and Sir Robert please just stay here. I won't be long. It's a promise, and this is an order."

Knowing that he is in a tight position he finally agrees.

"If you didn't come in an hour, I will make a search." He said, giving in.

So, after that, Ariana and Lily moved into the palace. The royal palace guard who saw her walking in the area also just watched her,but didn't say anything or make any approach.

As if they had been told that if she, the princess, enter the palace just let her be, she is not a person pending to be attended to or feared. Well, at least that is what Ariana is feeling right now.

It didn't take long to distract Lily and left her side, Ariana now roaming alone inside the palace to investigate by herself. If she gets lucky she might meet her parents and siblings. Even if they are not someone she used to know, she wants to meet them one day, and that is for sure.

But what she saw next was something she didn't expect. As soon as her feet passed through a road where there was a large field, she saw a lot of people sitting in the heat of the sun, and in front of all those people she saw her four brothers whom she missed.

What makes her surprised is that the four brothers now beheaded all the people there without blinking. Blood began to spurt and spill on the field. The worst is that the people who died in Ariana's eyes were people who looked innocent. They are just a bunch of old people who didn't seem like a threat.

"What did I just witness?"

Ariana can't believe she is here to witness a massacre like that. Yes, she's here to find some information but this is clearly out of her imagination!

Apart from that, she knows whatever happens on that ground is not her business and she can't interfere but one part of her mind wanted to dig into why it is happening. Everything that happens must have a reason and she knows it well.

"Princess, where are you?!"

From a distance, Ariana could hear Lily's voice looking for her. Not wanting her to be found by her four brothers because this is not the right time, Ariana quickly left the area and looked for Lily.

"Princess, where have you been? You suddenly disappeared next to me. Don't you know how scared I was? What if you fainted somewhere and I didn't notice it? " Lily began her speech as soon as she saw Ariana.

Although she feels relieved because Ariana is okay, still, she can't help but nag.

"I'm fine. Just distracted for a while after seeing the beautiful flowers in that area. I'm sorry, okay."

Lily looked sullen but quickly calmed herself.

"Well, I should know better. You used to be stunned when you looked at flowers or plants. It's my fault for not paying attention to you properly."

Ariana felt a little guilty when Lily said that. But she can't say anything back. Better than her being caught lying.


"More?" Ariana can't believe Lily isn't finished yet.

"Are you remembering this royal palace? You are having amnesia, but it looks like you can find your ways, princess."

"Ah... Well, I didn't remember anything, but it's not like I went too far. I just followed the path that was clearly visible and after hearing your call, I just followed your voice. " Ariana is being honest here.

"Or maybe your unconscious mind leading your legs. After all, you are living here for a while before moving into the Silver Castle. So, where are you heading now princess? Is there anything catching your interest? Usually, you will go straight to the library each time you are here."

Remembering what happened before made Ariana no longer feel like staying there for a long time.

"No, let's just go back. I already feel tired."

"Suddenly? I-I mean, let's go then. I didn't want you to force yourself too much. We can come back again next time when your health is better." Lily was surprised that they had only been here for a while. She thought Ariana would take a long time like it always does each time they visit here.

At the time, there were maids doing work not far from where they were standing. The maids didn't notice Ariana and Lily's presence, so Ariana could hear what they were saying very well.

"Do you hear? People who rebel have been executed by the tyrant king. Even if they are begging to reduce the sentence, the king never gives pardon."

"What do you hope when he doesn't even care about his only daughter after using her for his own benefit? She didn't even get recognition in the whole kingdom and was treated as if she was invisible even by commoners. Poor things. She is the only royal blood that is sane according to me."

"It's not just the king, but also the princes. I'm so scared to work here now. What if I make a mistake that costs my head? I still remember that I have to drink 10 liters of water on the spot after I spill water on the shirt of one of the princes. It's not like I deliberately doing it. We would not suffer if this is the previous empire."

"Shush, don't say that here. Do you want us to die too? Even though it's hard, the pay is high enough for us to continue living. We just need to work and keep our mouths close. Try to avoid making mistakes from now on."

Lily, who also heard the conversation kept looking at Ariana as she knew the princess also heard clearly.


Ariana kept putting her index finger to her mouth, ordering Lily to be quiet so the maids wouldn't notice them until the end. Then, she slowly walked while pulling Lily to go to find their carriage to get back home.



As soon as she arrived, Ariana continued to walk in toward her residence. She wants to find her room quickly.

Sir Robert and Lily looked at each other as the princess was too quiet unlike herself. Well, if they can say it right, this behavior is more like their previous princess before the accident. But they just about to get used to the new one.

Has their princess changed again?

"What happened?" Unable to contain his curiosity, Robert asked Lily.

"It's... She heard some rumors and since then she just kept quiet." Lily was clearly worried.

"What rumors?"

"About the tyranny and her relationship with the king," Lily whispered.

Robert sighed slowly as he knew now. The rumors spread widely because there is some truth behind them.

The princess already knows about it her entire life as she herself is one of the victims of their King. She should not be bothered by it as she is the discarded princess and the whole kingdom knows about it. But now, the princess has amnesia. She might feel hurt or have a complicated feeling that she can't describe.

"I will call a few more knights just in case. We didn't want the princess to do something crazy again."

Lily was a little surprised.

"You don't think she might... Right? Not again?"

"I just prepare for all possibilities. She is not a stable person even if she has already changed. Who knows what is in her mind? You just need to be there for her like you always do. Now, go."

Without wasting time, Lily ran to find Ariana, who has been already far away.

After changing into more comfortable clothes, Ariana sat on the balcony while sipping tea prepared by Lily. It's still too early to have lunch so she has some dessert first as she feels the need to raise her sugar level.

Lily also kept quiet but her eyes never left Ariana. Knight Robert's words always appeared in her mind so she carefully monitored the princess diligently this time, so that the old incident would not be repeated.



A sudden call from Ariana makes Lily jump a little in her stance.

"Why are you so fidgeting like that? Have a seat in front of me now and have this dessert with me. I also want to ask you something. " Ariana said, smiling. Trying to ease the cold atmosphere that she herself had created earlier.

She didn't mean that though, she was just too deep in thinking. She forgot that her brothers once told her that when she is too deep in thinking, her face will look so scary that a killer aura seems to envelop her.

Seeing Ariana looking normal, Lily continued to follow what was instructed.

"Yes, my lady. What do you want to know now?"

"Lily, I know you know by now that my mind is completely blank."

Lily nodded in understanding.

"I can't be left in the dark any longer. So now, I want you to be completely honest with me. Can you do that?"

Lily started to cry.

"B-But... What if I told you everything? What if you wanted to kill yourself again?"

'So this Ariana is trying to commit suicide huh? Looks like this is the meaning of what I saw before for a split second. The memory of Ariana from this world.'

"I'm not as fragile as you think Lily. What happened before was just an accident. It's not because I want to die." Ariana had to lie as she didn't want Lily to hesitate.


"Yes. It's really a misunderstanding. I will never kill myself. I promise."

Lily thought for a moment. It's true that no one knows what purpose Ariana jumped into the lake before. It's only their assumption that the princess wanted to kill herself.

"What is it, my lady? What are you curious about? " Lily decided to believe.

Ariana was finally relieved.

"I want you to tell me everything you know about my relationship with my family, my life at the royal palace, and what kind of person I was with people and even to myself. I didn't want to make mistakes and one day I might need to face all those people. I don't care how bad the story is. Please tell me without leaving anything."

Lily nodded in understanding. She knows sooner or later she needs to tell all this if the princess can't get her memories back as it will be dangerous if the princess doesn't know anything. So the time finally came.

"I only have you to trust Lily. Also, what I am most curious about is why the duke takes care of me and lets me live in his castle when he clearly hates me."

Lily blinked her eyes for a while, trying to understand the sentence.

"Why? What did you just say, my lady? Of course, he needs to do that much as you are his fiancee."

The last words from Lily strike Ariana like lightning.
