Chapter One

There's something fishy about the moon, don't you think so too?

Like how poets use it to describe romance and the deep unknown beauty of things. The same heavenly body that couples tend to go crazy about it whenever they think about their bond. Well, he had been gazing up to it all night and all he could feel at that moment was despair. It was happening that day.

There was nothing good about being in that family so, it shouldn't have mattered whether they would be sold or executed but, it did to him. 

He wasn't that deep in his head to not hear those hastened footsteps approaching his room. It wasn't anything to fear nor to surprise him since he was used to that sound all his life but for another palm touching his door? That one was the first for him.

And it was all he needed to confirm that he was the chosen one. No questions to be asked. No resistance on his side but, just a smile plastered on his face and all would be well after the ceremony.

It was a little over four in the morning. In the beginning of the day which he couldn't even blink nor move from his spot. It was official that he was moving from one cage to another. And he was glad that it didn't need another persona to complete the ritual. He was tired of being a plastic doll.

"Good morning, your highness" Voices of servants spoke in unison after they entered and for a good minute he wanted to ask who were they since he only recognized one face from the crowd.

"Is it, Melberry?" He replied with a lazy tone to the maid he knew since birth. His best friend until she was appointed to be his maid. 

"I'm sorry for I have misspoken your highness" Replied Melberry, disappointing him even more but, he had to bury that. "Is that my outfit for today?" He asked as an afterthought as a mean to change the topic which left a heavy atmosphere.

"Yes, and it just arrived from Shaya!" Replied Melberry excitedly flaunting the fabric animatedly, "Isn't it just majestic?!"

"Wow, I must be blessed with an influential groom then" He mumbled dryly losing all the sanity in him by how huge and sparkly that dress was. Can he even breathe in it?!

"He's the king!" Threatened Melberry sternly which made him even more mad but, he couldn't show it because he didn't know how to. Even though he couldn't find a sassy comeback he was fluent in reply-correction. It's a thing.

"He's your King!" Corrected the prince calmly.

"But your husband!" Retorted Melberry unrelenting yet still softened her features and tone after, "I know that you feel like this is the end of the road for you and in a twisted way you might even feel wronged but, I heard from Mother maid on how much of a fine young man the future king is"

"Yeah, and a brute" He found himself reply with a sigh of defeat.

"Yes, that too…" Said Melberry with a smile, "But, aren't men supposed to be brutes?"

"I'm not going to do this with yo_It's a dress?... Does he know who he's going to marry?" Believe him when he says that he couldn't help the shock in his tone after seeing the gourmet on the statue. 

"It wasn't the King that chose you" Said Melberry with pride imploring him to feel it too with her eyes.

"Then who?" He didn't even know why he asked when his gut was just screaming to leave the house.

"Your Gods" He heard a thunderous voice from his doorway and he swore under his breath for that voice did the opposite of shock to his stomach. It made him excited.

"My King!" All the servants inside his chamber stood up to greet their new king who was busy gawking at his future bride. In his eyes, it wasn't a loss but, a well-played game. 

"And look what they brought to me? A beauty!" Whistled the king walking towards his bride before tilting his head by his chin for closer observation.

"It's a man and I'm not going to wear a dress for you!" The prince replied with dignity slapping the king's hand away from his face before taking three steps back in order to balance the height difference. It was a necessity.

"Now I know why the Gods gave me you… your name?" Asked the king licking his lips with his eyes locking The prince's glare.

"I don't have one but you can call me your highness if you please" He replied haughtily but it still hurt. Even a servant has one why can't he have one too? Or maybe he does have it but nobody felt the need to use it on him.

"Then it's only fair for you to call me your king, right?" Said the King walking to get the dress from the statue and then to his bride, "You are mine and everything in you from top to bottom is my possession and when I give you something you take it and use it!"

The king wasn't angry, the prince knew that much but, he still got shaken from how close and the tone he used making his knees going jelly suddenly and his mind hazy to the point of not hearing everything that was said after, only a scream of pain brought him back to life.

"What do you think you are doing in my chambers?!" Questioned the prince after pushing the king aside and went to lift the wounded maid.

"Punishing your servant" Replied the king lightly before he gave the maid a stern look and then looking at each every one of them in the room, "Let this be the last time this is happening"

"I did you wrong my king, your highness" The maid cried again and went on her knees only for the king to step on her hands, "You deserve death"

"Leave her!" Ordered the prince angrily.

"Our first fight. I'm looking forward to the rest of my life"

"No, until you cheat on me"

"With a bride like you? I doubt to ever finding something more interesting to pass my bloodshed lifetime" Said the king with a laugh surprising his soldiers, "I'm going to prepare for our wedding and I trust you'd be doing the same"

"I'm not wearing that"

"Try me" Said the king in a light tone, "I'm a very impatient man" 

That was the last thing the king said before leaving his bedroom door. Well, throughout the exchange, the prince realized that he wasn't himself when he was with the king or maybe that was him being himself?.

A dress wasn't something as scary as being castrated, was it? So, the prince decided to humor the king and wore the dress to his wedding.