Chapter Two

You know what's funny?

The fact that one might never had a desire to own anything but, when they realize that, whatever that thing which they previously didn't even need in the first place is not going to be theirs anymore, they feel genuinely hurt.

Just like what happened to our prince…, He didn't want to be married and most importantly be a queen. He didn't want the trouble and stress of fitting into a wedding gown nor how the maids transformed him into a woman over morning with all the makeup and hairs. And, he did all that not because he liked it but…

Well, he doesn't know why.

It has been twelve hours since he stood in the bridal stage at the altar waiting for his 'impatient' groom to send him to his new chambers and wear him of his new honors and duties as the queen of the country from his current nobody position in the palace. Which was something he was looking forward to. To be seen. To be needed.

  At first, he thought that his groom wanted to punish him for intervening when he was punishing the maid earlier on that day in his chamber but, when he saw the sun settling through the windows, he couldn't help the panic that arose in him. The embarrassment, anger and resentment he had towards the king. Where was the groom on his own wedding?

Did the King regret his choice and felt like the prince wasn't a good fit? And if it that was the case, what should he do about it?

He pretended not to but, he could hear the jeers and spiteful words through murmurs of the guests who came to his wedding. He never ever dreamed of a marriage but, he had never felt so disappointed in his life.

When it reached seven in the evening, he was declared queen of the kingdom as per customs and rules of the kingdom and that was because, the groom didn't revoke his decision of making him his queen.

"Why aren't you in the queen's chambers?" Asked the king casually when he heard the prince's footsteps.

"I like it here"

"With no one to attend to you?"

"It's peaceful"

"Why are you in my chambers?" Asked the prince in hostility and annoyance after he remembered how the day went. Should he ask? The prince hesitated and then buried the incidence.

"I missed my queen" Said the king leisurely with a hint of tipsiness walking purposefully towards the prince, "Ethereal" Breathed the king into the prince's right ear before grabbing onto his neck tightly,

  "Don't you… dare …touch me!" The prince choked on the words while struggling for air to no success but, the king kept on breathing the prince in, sniffing on the side of his face to the crook of his neck and then back to his face, "Oh, Ethereal my queen…"

"You are…!" The prince wheezed the words when it was clear that he was nearing the heaven's gate but, the king let him go suddenly which made him lose his footing and fell to the ground. All weak and pathetic. Who was Ethereal? His concubine? And why was he feeling wronged with the thought of the king thinking about someone else?

"Let's go eat" Said the king gruffly looking down at the prince as if he were a prey and the king was the predator. 

"I eat alone" Said the prince getting himself up gingerly, conscious of the gaze of the king on him and that made his nerve breakdown to worsen.

"You eat with me!" Insisted the king before dragging the screaming prince to the dining room where all the officials and guests were gathered to eat their dinner. And yes, it wasn't a good feeling to the prince and literally cried in front of the whole crowd. 

"Here" Said the king, pushing a plate of small cuts of a tender beef to the prince who since he managed to sit there couldn't find it in him the strength to lift his head.

"I don't eat meat" mumbled the prince before he threw the plate to the ground upsetting the king.

"Why didn't no one tell me this?!" Busted the king with anger and before everyone could register what was happening the de-crowned king was struck with a butter knife on his shoulder. It wasn't life threatening but it was scary.

"What do you think you are doing?" Questioned the prince horrified before looking back to the calm king beside him,

  "He lied to me" Said the king casually sipping on his wine.

"Well, you did the same thing to me and you didn't see me stabbing you in the heart" Retorted the prince all worked up and ready to beat the shit out of the king before he saw hands feeling the king's body.

"Do you want her? She's my most kept jewel and very well skilled in the matter of the bedroom" Said the king handing the entertainer to the prince who simply slapped the king and stood up.

"I would rather die than facing tomorrow with you" Said the prince meaning every word.