Chapter Three

He didn't want to stay even for another second in there. He had it with the humiliation from the king. It was only the first day with the king and he thought about disappearing for the most of it.

He had an illusion from his head when he thought about why he has to stay and agree to marry the king. It wasn't a sacrifice nor would he give their God that shout out. He needed that marriage for it was the only thing that he thought could get him closer to another person without the status nor responsibilities could come in-between. 

Maybe the prince himself was to blame for allowing an outsider to shake his feelings like that. The king was more than a stranger to him but, why does he always feel so seen and known by him?

 He was just fine before he wanted to be seen and heard by someone and currently the joke was on him, there's no end to his loneliness. The emptiness of being an endless pit of personas which was added with a burden of something like abandonment. 

He didn't know why he had chosen to write a letter before he left. Maybe it was the novelty he had when he discovered Cherry da white's letter under his bed, beneath the floor inside a bottle. Hidden away far from people's expectations and judgements. It gave him the strength to hold on once more and he hoped to give another one, the same kind of feeling like he did when he found the letter.

But, before he could let his head wander and hands working, he heard his bedroom door broken down and don't ask why but, he knew just from that who the intruder was and strangely he felt a surge of happiness when he confirmed that it was indeed the king blazing from anger.

"What hell is it that you want from me?!" Demanded the king angrily

"Distance" Replied the prince calmly, who was craving something so different from his words.

"Distance?" Asked the king as if he needed the confirmational reply, but he didn't. All he did was grabbing the prince by the hair and dragged him only to throw him on the bed and started to strip him.

"What's wrong with you?" Questioned the prince confusedly while enduring the pain from his scalp.

"I think you read me all wrong" Stated the king gruffly, losing his breath from stripping the prince naked and gripped his cock tightly.

"You are hurting me!" Complained the prince, trying but failing to escape the king's grasp.

"You. Are. Nothing but a convenient puppet… to me" Whispered the king breathlessly and yet ruthlessly slapped the prince

"I know!" Replied the prince stubbornly.

"Then why are trying my patience this much? You think you are some kind of an exception just because you are my queen now?" Asked the king with a sneer making the prince hard to contain his tears but, he still held his tongue back, "Say, have you ever had sex before?" Asked the king in a mocking tone looking down at the crying prince,

"No" Replied the prince in a small voice, feeling so vulnerable, weak and pathetic in front of the king.

"Even with a girl?" Asked the king genuinely startled by the prince's reply.

"No" Answered the prince but, this time he lost all hope of keeping her eyes open so he closed them and let everything he was feeling come to light through the silent falling tears. He just chose to let it go. He gave up. He didn't know what but, he gave it all up at that moment.

"…Wow" Mumbled the king before he heard a muffled, "Please, leave my room" from the prince.

"And leave my virgin bride on our wedding night? I must be stupid to do that" Said the king with a laugh sadly the prince didn't detect the unusual awkwardness from the king's tone.

"What are you doing?" Asked the prince weakly when he felt his hands being tied,

"Tying you up baby" Replied the king excitedly before he kissed the prince on his forehead and return to his work.

"Why? I'm not going anywhere" Said the prince confusedly and scared.

"I'll make sure of that later on but for now? I need a release" Said the king mischievously before starting to touch the flinching prince all over.

"Stop this please…" Begged the prince only to hear the king's laughter, "If I don't do this with my queen, where should I get this? Didn't you forbid me from cheating on you?"

"Then please at least cut the lights first" Said the prince, surrendering to whatever was on the king's mind. Who was he to stop anything from happening?

Marriage was just a bond created for social purposes. Who was he to want more out of it?