Chapter Four

Did you know that no matter how long and scary the night is the morning always comes with a warm glow of the sun?

 It could be a blessing to some so let's not hate the sun just like how the prince did the moment he regained his consciousness. He felt naked.

He was alone again. Just hearing footsteps outside his door which was also a norm with one feeling the need to check on him to see if he was still breathing or not.

In that big cold bed, he found himself sticky and aching all over. Yes, it was something he hoped the night before but, he still felt empty and used when the king did as promise.

 What made him pity himself even more was the realization that he still wished for the king to be there with him. But boys aren't supposed to cry so the prince couldn't let himself wallow to death and decided to pick up his shattered will to live and get himself outside his bedroom.

Everything was normal but that was just inside his bedroom but, he was the queen beyond the door. It was an experience indeed for him.

"My queen!" He heard a chorus greeting before he even saw who was awaiting his arrival.

"What's going on?" Asked the prince confused by the treatment. It was new. Not bad but new.

"My name is Mera, your personal chief assistant appointed by the king" Introduced a middle-aged woman who seemed to be the leader of the six other people standing behind her before she bowed respectfully, "At your service"

"Do I have a choice of not having a breathing CCTV camera around me?" Questioned the prince with a tired sigh. He was never and will never feel free in his life it seemed.

"You always have a say in your kingdom and people but, let us serve you for we have no other purpose in life" Said Mera politely

"You make it sound like you'll be killed if I refuse" Mocked the prince starting to walk followed by his staff who were eerily silent after his comment which made him stop and gasp in horror, "What? It's true?"

"That's the condition my queen" Answered his male staff behind Mera

"Please let us serve you" Begged a female staff

"Where is the king now?" Asked the prince, annoyed. 

"Waiting for you in the boardroom, my queen" Answered Mera

"Why?" Asked the prince confusedly.

"Breakfast and official affairs…, the king wishes for your insights on matters, my queen" Replied Mera respectfully stunning the prince silly. What game is the king playing now? Him? The queen… Politics?

"Please lead the way, lady Mera" Said the prince at last biting the bullet. What didn't kill him made him stronger.

"Thank you, my queen" Replied his staff in unison before letting Mera lead the prince with them right behind.

He would be lying if he knew what to expect to see inside the boardroom for, he has never set foot in that building since he could remember that it was for kings only. It was prohibited.

"My queen!" He heard deep voices greet him every time he passed the mass in there. It was very intimidating but, he held on.

"You called for my presence?" That was the first that came out of his mouth to the king with an annoyed tone.

"Did you sleep well, last night?" Asked the king offering a seat for him which he grudgingly accepted. He was tired anyway.

"What do you think?" Retorted the prince sassily.

"Go on and serve the food now" Ordered the king to the queen's staff but they still stood in place without moving an inch making the king laugh aloud to the prince who was terrified for his staff, "I see now"

"My queen should we serve your food here?" Asked a girl behind Mera facing the prince making him feel touched somehow. His words mattered to them.

"No" Answered the prince testing the waters only to find them returning to their posture and not doing anything even with the king's glare on them.

"Do you want to kill yourself from hunger, my queen?" Asked the king with an unmasked anger.

"It's a boardroom for a reason, my king" Replied the prince sarcastically, "Now, say what I'm here for"

"Yes, so I was needed to choose ambassadors and officials but, I'm clueless on who's the best choice for the position" Explained the king while giving the prince the slice of an apple and which he subconsciously took.

The prince didn't know what to feel at that moment since the thought itself was touching and if he could provide the assistance, his place as the queen would be guaranteed but, he never even once followed on what happens inside nor outside the palace let alone be it politics.

Was the king tricking him to humiliate him in front of all those present officials? "I need to know that someone in order to recommend them and I'm not acquainted with any of them"

"Then I'll leave it in your care" Said the king dismissively making the prince take his cue to leave but, was held back by the king.

"As you heard from my queen… I need everybody who wants to become an official to submit their qualifications and achievements to the queen's office before next week… You may be dismissed" Ordered the king, still holding the queen's hand tightly in his.

"What?" Asked the prince sharply to the king who only shrugged, "Food, I didn't see you eat even once yesterday"

"Why do you care?" Sneered the prince 

"Because, I'm your husband"