Chapter five

The days are never the same. 

No matter how much of a routine person you are, you can never relive a day. New day, new outfits, new attending staff, new responsibilities, new mindset, new heart… everything never stays the same. 

The prince was slowly becoming the queen, an important figure apparently, what was first useless became a pillar. It was strange how one who never had any work to do before to not get enough rest in an overnight.

The queen stayed in his office till late in the evening, familiarizing himself with the work and to his surprise, the previous queen never set foot in there nor the one before her. Was it prohibited also before? Should he thank the king for the honor?

On another note, he didn't know where he fit in all that. It was all new to him. The crown, the duty, people, marriage… The one thing he can't seem to understand the most was his decision to marry. Particurlarly the hot and cold king that was his husband.

"My queen, the king awaits your presence in the royal chambers" Informed Mera humbly.

"No! Please no… I… I…" Replied the queen in panic looking for a place to escape to if he has to. He had it with the pain and the feeling of being worthless.

"You can say no to the king and if there's any consequence, we can bear it for you" Advised Mera as a matter of fact. The queen wanted to laugh at that. Who is he to say no to such a brute? The man that took pity on him.

"I'm sorry guys…" Said the queen steeling his heart but, he really didn't know what he was apologizing for but, his staff seemed to understand him somehow or maybe everyone interpreted the apology in their own way. He couldn't care less.

"Reply to the king, send the queen's dinner to the reading room and please make him his bed and nightwear before we retire for the day" Ordered Mera to the staff and in a few minutes everything went accordingly.

He was busy enjoying his late dinner in peace when he heard a commotion from the outside and he knew he wasn't safe, "What's wrong?" Asked the queen after he went outside the reading room.

"The king wishes to see you" Said Mera with a not so hidden despise, not really looking at the king. 

"Now that you've seen me, I guess this is goodnight" Said the queen simply but, he was feeling everything but. He was panicking and with the kings murderous look? It made him seem like a helpless mice.

"Let's go to bed" Announced the king walking to grab the queens hand who took his hand back to his side, "No, what if I don't want to?!"

"I think that I have been too lenient to you…" Whispered the king after he grabbed the queens hand and pushed him chest face on the wall earning the staff to get their guns out. 

"Order them to stay down if you want them alive" Threatened the king maliciously due to his staff being of experienced soldiers by his side.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me"

"I need a moment with my husband" Said the queen swallowing his pride and freedom.

"My queen!" His staff shouted of the unfair. Doesn't he trust them?

"That's final! You can all retire for the night" Said the queen adamantly.

"Yes, my queen" Replied his staff before leaving the couple in an intense atmosphere, "Why are you doing this to me?" Asked the queen tiredly.

"Honestly? I don't know… Its not like you are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes upon nor are you strong or smart, you're below average in every point but, you make me go bonkers every time you defy me" Said the king trailing his hand up to his hands, shoulder and lastly his favorite part, His neck.

"I'm sorry…" Whispered the queen closing his eyes awaiting the pain of being strangled the he experienced the night before to start.

"Stop saying that!" Thundered the king pushing the queen to the ground who landed with a painful cry surprising the king but, before he could go to stand the queen up he was pushed by a kid, "Leave her alone!" 

"First prince!" Called the queen, shocked and embarrassed at the sight he was found at.

"How dare…!?" Started the king angrily before he felt the queens hand on him

"Please… Not here before him" Begged the queen making the king curse under his breath before walking away.

"I need you in my chambers in an hour"

"Yes, my king"

"And can you please call me Aaron?" Said the king as an afterthought 

"Yes, my_Aaron"

"My king" Greeted the young as he stepped aside to let Aaron pass him and returned the gaze to the queen, "You know who I am"

"Who doesn't know the first child of the previous king?" Asked the queen with a snort as he remembered just how the first prince is popular

"And you must be the male queen who's my uncle"

"Yes, I am"

"Do you also have a name?" Asked the kid innocently.

"Do you want one?" Asked the queen instead of answering the first prince's question, with a smile full of unexplainable emotions lowering himself so he could be on the same level as the kid who nodded at his question, "What do you wish to be?"

" Aaron" 

"Is it because you heard it now?" Asked the queen humorously 

"Because, he's so cool and father fears him"

"How about we decide on the names tomorrow and tell this male queen why is the first prince up so late at night and in the library of all places?"

"I can't seem to find sleep" Replied the kid sadly


"It's too dark in my room"

"So, you came to hide in books?"

"They are warm. That… doesn't make sense, does it?" Asked the kid closing his eyes tightly and letting a tired sigh to escape his lips.

 "How about I read you a story in your bed?"

 "Really? Why? What about the king?" Asked the kid taken aback

"Let the queen handle his king" Replied the queen proudly making the kid laugh but, willing to lead him to his chambers where they read until sleep found them with a smile on their faces. 

The king, Aaron didn't really know why but, he didn't want to disturb the duo and silently closed the door after tucking them to bed.