Chapter seven

What does it take to be a leader. To have those duties and responsibilities weighing on you heavily. How can one ever find the balance between emotions and facts?. Its so hard being human so, all we could do is hanging in there and hoping for a better new day the day after.

"Why would you even think about war in these times?!" Asked the queen after storming in the board room where he found Aaron preparing himself with his soldiers, "You just came from one and if u can't remember, know that you have won!"

"My Queen, I don't remember allowing your presence in here" Said the king still busy with preparing his guns and knives.

"And I suppose you forgot that you still don't have enough soldiers on your side to go head on, do you?!" Challenged the queen as he walked steadily towards Aaron who couldn't help but smile at his brave move. Not even his soldiers can walk and question him like that.

"Are you threatening me?" Asked Aaron with a scoff, holding the tip of his knife trying to see if the knife was sharp enough before he looked at the queen.

"Who'd dare? I'm only saying that no soldier under my rule will go and fight that war with you" Replied the queen seriously.

"Excuse me gentlemen looks like some introductions are in order" Said the king casually but his face showed otherwise. He was furious and on top of that he felt humiliated in front of his men.

"Wh_What do you want to do to me?" Stuttered the queen when he saw the look on Aaron's face.

"Kill you precisely but, I can't do that since I'd have to find another you in this pit hole so it won't seem like a big deal being ruled by a war lord"

"But, we are in no position to get into that war" Said the queen pleadingly.

"I don't really need your permission. When I want something, I get it no matter what!!" Replied Aaron with an evil smirk before he pointed the knife at the queen and then at the table where all kinds of papers were found lying on top, "What is this?"

"Put your signature sweet queen or you are going to regret making me your enemy" Suggested the king as he trailed off the sharp knife on the queen's body.

"Please, not my people"

"I need to move before the end of the day! Time is valuable" Said the king lightly as he saw through his plan to break the queen's skin with his knife and was dazzled by that act subconsciously. It wasn't the pain that made the queen shudder, it was rather the look of pure joy he found on the king's face.

"You are nothing but, a queen... Nothing more nothing less" Said the king before leaving the queen frozen into place, looking at the blood that was seemingly coming out of his body.

He was never a leading material that one he knows. He hates even the sight of people bowing to him, trembling with fear and hide themselves whenever he passes the streets like he was some kind of an incurable disease.

It was like that before and he was doing everything in his capability to not get back to that place again. He was a king now but, it was getting harder denying his true self to come to light. He enjoys the battles. The sweet sound of guns, cries... The sight of blood gushing out from a vein, the despair look he leave from his enemies made all his veins come alive.

He was built different, what more can he do?.