
Forcefully, slowly she opened her eyes, Things seemed better now, but weirder, the sun had almost set, and her eyes were stuck on the clock, luckily it was a digital clock otherwise that voice would annoy her too.

She glanced at the door which was open, This time she had an open way, a way that she could easily use to escape but she would never do that unless she wanted to hurt someone.

She stood up and stumbled but managed to maintain her balance.

She got out of the room and saw a stairway going down toward a lounge, not so big just an average-sized lounge, the clothes were scattered everywhere.

"Ewh! What's that smell?" She covered her mouth and looked around.

"Probably Andy's stuff rotting in the kitchen somewhere!" He yelled.

She looked around but she couldn't find where his voice was coming from.

"I'm on the balcony!" He yelled again.

It didn't take her much time to find her way to the balcony when she saw him standing by the fence with two cups of hot chocolate in his hand.

She wanted to ask him his name but she kept telling herself that she hate him and no matter what happens she won't become his friend.

"Edgar!" He passed her the hot chocolate cup and a plate that was on the edge of the fence.

"I hope you were not a vegetarian!" He shrugged, still not looking into her eyes.

She took the plate from his hand picked up the fork and took a piece of meat knowing her stomach had been empty all this time and she had to eat something after all.

But as soon as she put that piece in her mouth she spitted it out "It's rotten!" She rushed in to rinse her mouth from the kitchen sink.

He offered her the hot chocolate so maybe it could make her feel better but as soon as she took a sip, it tasted so bad that she couldn't stop herself from throwing up.

He gently rubbed her back while his gaze stuck to the chocolate cup "I don't understand!" He was confused.

As soon as she was done she jerked back "Keep your hands off me!" She coughed.

He took a sip from the cup "It is fresh and good!" He looked at her again "Maybe, this is because you haven't drunk any blood!" He added.

"Great! So now I have to kill someone to be able to eat! Wow! Just wow!" She turned her face away from him.

"This isn't like that." Before he could say anything else she interrupted him.

"This isn't like that for you! Because it must have been easier for blood-sucking monsters like you who've been feeding on human beings and killing them like they are nothing!" She was yelling but Edgar yelled back louder.

"Don't talk to me like you know me! I… I have never killed anyone!" He controlled his anger and lowered his voice.

He turned around and left her standing there for a few minutes, she felt a little guilty "So what? Drinking human blood is still a bad thing!" She stared at the cup picked it up and squeezed it.

Later that evening, Edgar was sitting in the lounge watching TV when he heard footsteps.

"Lisa, my name is Lisa!" She whispered.

He kept staring at the TV screen and didn't answer her.

"I shouldn't have said that!" She looked at him.

"Hmm," He responded.

"Edgar… look at me!" She gently called out to him.

He turned off the TV and looked her in her eyes "You don't have to apologize! I am sorry for whatever you are going through and I deserve this behavior!" He looked her in her eyes.

"Tell me!" She wanted to know what had happened.

He needed to gather some courage to spit it out, he took a deep breath "The other night, it was dark and cold, I was going on the road where usually there is no one at that time of the night, and my car was fast and by fast I mean real fast, my headlights were working as good as they ever did.

I don't know when or how I saw your face only once in front of my car, and that was the exact time when I ran into you.

There was a tree by the turn, you flew all the way to that tree and the lowest branch pierced through your stomach.

I was strong enough to pull you out, but a fountain of blood broke through your flesh, You were slipping away from life, I wanted to pour my blood into your mouth so you could heal but instead… instead you died on the exact same time when my blood reached down your throat.

I panicked, I wanted to take you to a hospital so I carried you back to my car, and when I was on my way to the hospital I started hearing your heartbeat, that's when I knew I screwed up!" He was truly ashamed and she could see the guilt in his eyes.

She nodded wiping her tears from the back of her hand "That day I took my little sister to the museum, in our way back her favorite doll fell on the way, when we reached the home she realized she had lost her doll, she cried a lot, it was the last souvenir from her late best friend.

She cried so I got back there on foot, It took me hours until I reached that path, and just when I saw her doll lying on the ground, my phone lost its battery and I had no light left to see anything at all.

I didn't realize when I got in the way and the last thing I felt was…" She stopped talking anymore.

"It wasn't your fault!" He touched her shoulder gently and yanked back realizing she told him not to touch her.

"Neither was it yours." She smiled and picked up the remote, they continued to watch TV.

Lisa was a 16-year-old sensitive and loving eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark and a sister of a beautiful young girl Ella, Lisa loved her family so much, but mostly she was attached to her sister.

Lisa had so many plans for her life, she wanted to be a fashion designer, own a boutique, and become a headline, but that couldn't happen anymore.

Her compassionate soul and gentle heart easily made her forgive Edgar, but there was a problem, "Was he telling the truth?" This thought wouldn't let her trust him entirely.

She fell asleep on the couch beside him and didn't realize when Edgar walked away, she felt a strange kind of restlessness, which made her open her eyes, She realized Edgar wasn't there anymore.

She stood up thinking "He could be anywhere, maybe in the bathroom or sleeping in the room".

Her throat felt dry, she got to the kitchen and poured out some water into the glass. She started drinking it and closed her eyes to enjoy the water, the only thing she could drink peacefully, but something changed, and the water started to taste funny.

She opened her eyes and saw the glass she was holding didn't have water but blood in it, she spat it out, dropped the glass, and wiped her mouth when she realized her shirt was soaked up in blood.

She gasped and tried rubbing off the blood from her clothes but instead, it was spreading more and more.

She turned around calling out for help still looking down at her clothes "Edgar!" She looked up at the room and called out to him again, slowly approaching the stairs, but it seemed like he couldn't even hear her or maybe he wasn't there at all.

She stepped forward just to get stumbled across something which made her fall down.

She prevented herself from reaching the ground using her hands and then she looked back to see what was in her way.

It was a dead body, she approached it and turned its side to see the face, it was her sister covered in blood, she screamed out loud.

But right then she felt a pat on her cheek "Lisa!" He heard an echoing voice, it kept repeating until it got clear she opened her eyes, she was on the couch and it was Edgar who woke her up.

"You are alright!" He whispered, "It was just a nightmare!" He wiped her tears.

The first thing Lisa did was to turn her head toward the floor where she saw Ella's dead body, she was breathing heavily.

Edgar rushed to the kitchen and brought a glass of water for her, She quickly gulped but a thought made her stop drinking the water, She quickly jerked back to look at the glass.

She was scared of finding herself drinking blood again, but she was relieved to see that it was just water.

He walked her to the bedroom and just when he was about to leave, she called out to him "I am scared!" She whispered.

He sat on an armchair nearby, and whispered "Close your eyes".

She did as he told her to, and that's when she heard him humming a beautiful melody, his voice was beautiful, it was calming and soothing, she had never heard such a beautiful voice, all she wanted was for him to never stop singing.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, Edgar was resting his head on the headrest while humming when his eyes slightly opened realizing she fell asleep, and his eyes fell on her face, she had a smile on her face.

She looked so beautiful that he couldn't take his eyes off her face, he was watching her with his eyes wide open as if a kid was watching something extraordinary, something out of this world, something heavenly.