
Malina was frightened of what they could do to her, but instead, the women surprised her by telling her how they watched all their struggle during the battle, they were from Isidro's kingdom.

They promised her to keep her secret "But what do we do with your delivery now?" one of the women asked with confusion.

Malina had an idea but before she could say anything Isidro found her.

"My love!" He approached her.

She explained everything to him "What would you have me do?" He asked.

"I want you to do something for me, but I can't say it, it pains me." There was a flood of tears she couldn't stop crying.

Isidro heard her thoughts "No! I can't!" He was shaking but Malina would lose the child and there wouldn't be any way to make things easier for her, so Isidro pulled up his axe and told both women to turn their faces away, he attacked Malina who already had her eyes closed, his axe separated her head from her body.

She couldn't be healed anymore, and the baby finally came into the world but not alive, Isidro's oldest son was old enough to take care of his 6 brothers and 3 sisters now, he was probably 14 or 15.

Isidro buried his little girl near his home and left the house in the darkness of the night, some say he lost his mind and some say he was never to be seen again which probably means he must have starved himself to death or either drowned himself to death.

Time passed and the children grew up, Isidro's youngest son once lost control and fed on a traveler passing by, luckily his eldest brother found him on time and left the man bleeding out in the open.

Later they found out that the traveler they fed on turned into a vampire, and a week later the vampirism spread out like a disease.

Time spent and children turned into adults, some teenagers, they were the only ones who could survive the sunlight, unlike the others they turned.

The number of deaths increased so to hold the chaos they proclaimed the leadership, everyone accepted them as their leaders because their ability to procreate and being able to walk in the sun made them superior.

This also controlled the violent behavior of the vampires, but people from the villages had already found out about them, previous attacks and murders were enough for them to complain to the king.

King attacked in the darkness of the night, and it was a horrifying battle, too many lives were lost on both sides because somehow they knew that the only way to kill a vampire is to behead them, that's why they were able to kill us.

Anyway, Isidro's family captured the king and made a bargain, If the king's men stopped fighting, they would let the king go, and there would be no more violent attacks.

The deal was done and they managed to develop peace between them.

Isidro's children were good, but as they say, even the water can't stay clean forever, a year later a rumor spread that the King had gotten addicted to being fed on, so they opened a bar in a restricted area, and people would come there and pay Isidro's ascendants to feed on them.

They fell in love and got married, expanding the family, one of Isidro's daughters fell in love with the king's son and turned him before she married him, every one of them even learned to control their blood lust, but there was a problem.

Women from Isidro's ascendants or the women who were married to Isidro's son were bound to die during the birth of their 11th child and the child never survived.

History kept repeating itself until Isidro's great-great grandson Mathias's wife gave birth to his 11th child who was a son but he was born on the lunar eclipse.

He was said to be the ugliest creature to ever exist, on his face he had a dark black crescent-shaped scar covering one of his eyes, and the eye was glazed white, unlike the other one, a small scar on the outline of his upper lip.

Our people never saw him as a freak or an abomination, he possessed powers such as telekinesis, and he was a known seer, which made him superior to us all, that's why they named him Lunarian, he is my father's 11th brother, my uncle!" Edgar raised his eyes to see their reaction.

Lisa who was listening to everything with her hands cupped around her face, she cleared her throat "It still doesn't explain why he is after me!" She was prepared to hear further.

"On Lunarian's 17th birthday, he came back home running and gasping for air when his mother asked him the reason.

"I saw black clouds covering the sky, I saw the moon crashing down like a shooting star, and there was a pool of blood with vampires slain around it! Our doomsday is near!" He was trembling.

Whatever he predicted had always come true so his mother was scared, he told everyone to let him stay in a cave for 41 days not to be disturbed, so everyone left him their starving, he lived all that time in his subconsciousness and on the night of 41st day, he came back home.

Gathered everyone out in the open most importantly my dad, it turns out my dad had a quest, or should I say his children had a quest.

To prevent the bloodshed and everything Lunarian predicted, and to make that happen all of my siblings and I were trained not to kill anyone and we had a part to play but not before my 17th birthday, the same day the red eclipse was about to happen, we had to make some kind of sacrifice to save all the species.

I was okay with that, but when the ritual was about to begin I was given Isidro's sword "The Sword of Cinnabar" I carried it to the place of the ritual, which was right on the terrace, it is a small round place with fence around, there is a compartment used to play puppet show for entertainment, father was so obsessed with them.

I walked all the way on the slim walkway and as soon as I reached the terrace, I saw Lunarian was there, his face was under the shadow of his cape covering his head.

"Now is the time!" He pulled the rope of the curtain over the compartment, there were 10 innocent human beings, children, women, and men.

"You have to kill them and right before their last breath you have to feed them your blood, once you are done you have to wait until they turn back to life and once they are alive again, you have to kill them by drinking their blood till their heart stops!" Lunarian blurted as if it were nothing.

You hear these 10 innocent people what I hear was more because every one of us had to repeat the same process, which means we were to sacrifice 100 lives? I bet they didn't even know what their fault was.

I was shaking Lisa! I never killed a single soul, let alone 10 people at the same time. Turns out all my siblings knew that already, except for my sister Olive, I am the youngest and she's just a year older than me, we share a strong bond.

I saw she was sweating meanwhile everyone else seemed calm, I knew no one would help us, so it was just up to me, I approached one of the women who was on her knees, she was swinging with a smile on her face, and she wasn't even blinking.

She was my mother's age, I held out my sword in order to attack, I observed they had no chains or ropes on, they were just numb which means they were compelled, I have the ability to compel anyone without eye contact so all I had to do was to yell "Run!" and they all started running toward the entrance.

While Lunarian couldn't accept the betrayal, he didn't touch me, he just reached out his skinny hand toward me and he just twisted it and I got squeezed by some unseen force, he twisted his hand and I lost my breath, and just when I was about to faint Olive clobbered him on the back of his head.

He collapsed down right away.

"Run!" Olive held my hand and we looked at all of our family's faces full of disappointment for the last time.

As soon as we reached the car we parted ways, she took her bike while I took the car, Lunarian was fast, and I needed to escape him because without me his ritual would never be completed and Olive ran because if she hadn't he'd behead her.

Then you came! You just appeared in front of my car out of the blue, that's why I wanted to save you but instead, I ended up completing the first two steps of the ritual, if he somehow got his hands on you he would make me kill you, he is the only one who can control a vampire, and if he does, there will be no saving you.

And he knows me that well that if he made me kill someone I will be able to kill more!" Edgar stared out of the window.

"But the Eclipse is over now! Right?" Lisa asked.

"Yes for us! But not for you! You died during the Eclipse, your age is stuck there so you can be sacrificed any day!" Ben answered.

There was silence for a few minutes then Lisa broke the silence. "I am sorry if I am hurting your feelings by saying this but I don't think that this Lunarian whoever it is is a good person! He must have some other reasons to perform that ritual!" She was lost in deep thought.

She made Edgar think for a while then he said "Maybe you are right!" A sudden smile changed everything, it was the first time Lisa had watched him smile, and he looked beautiful.

"Lisa til now I had no clue what I was going to do to protect you, but now I know what to do!" He grabbed her by her shoulders.

She looked down at his hands and then smiled "You do?" She asked.

"We have to stop Lunarian from doing whatever he is up to and for that, we are going for research, something that could help us figure out what his purpose is." He rushed to a table nearby and took a map out of a wide drawer under it.